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Brandon Lee's Final Resting Place

Welcome To Brandon Lee's Final Resting Place

My real name is David, most of you will through time realise that the closer you get to me the more chance there is of me answering to Davie ;). I stay in a small village just outside Glasgow called Lennoxtown, nicknamed little Bosnia at the moment due to the drug fuelled violence within. I stay at home with my parents and my 2 little brothers, John & Stephen. I was born into this world on April 9th 1979 and up until October 9th 2001 I cherished life with a new found perspective, happy and content. Now I wonder what the hell has made me stick around in the violence and bullshit surrounds me. Anyway that's my rant over for now, please feel free to test the strength of your monitor glass be perusing the links to the left, some contain pictures and sounds of my 'sexy' Scottish accent. 



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My Voice

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