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March 17, 1999
St. Patrick's Day

A beautiful day for romping in clovers! Though it's only mid-march in New England, it felt like Spring today. I got out of work for a lunch hour and went shopping! Even though I was inside, the breeze was coming inside from the open door and the saleswomen were trying on sun glasses. I bought a sea-foam green "suit" that is light and airy.

I was thinking about Cate today and how long we have been friends. She and I met when I started college and practically lived as roommates. She lived down the hall from me in the dorm (resident hall) but I was constantly in her room, laughing and dancing with her and her roommate.

We've seen each other through the break up of my ex- in that freshman year, and her love affair with a man from Texas that she only spoke to on the phone and the chat room.

The smell of the ground melting and the weather makes me think of Cate because we have always had such grand promises to walk and work out in the Spring. We go hardcore at our routine for a while, but eventually get too busy with work or school or eating!

Days like these warm times when our species has been covered in snow for months, make life pulse again. I sang in my car to Cher and imagined other people thinking, "How wonderful for us to be warm again!"

The new warmth reminds me of last March/April when JMF and I found our love again. We spent hours under the sheets even though the sun made my room so hot and still lingered at night. We drank coffee I made in the coffee pot next to my bed and burned apple scented candles.

Best thing(s)about today: My boss told me that he loved my lead the in the story that I'm currently finishing up. He kept reading and rereading the last few words and shaking his head in praising approval.
I also got a free bra from Vicki's Secret!





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