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March 21, 1999

We've been fighting all weekend. Out of his mouth sometimes comes words that he won't fulfill and so then how should I know what to think and when not to play mommy.

Saturday night I wanted nothing more than to curl up with some toast and JMF and watch movies. It is my fault that I said Yes, I'll go to our friend's house that is an hour and 15 minutes away to meet his new girl friend. Our stipulation was that he drives, I sleep, he has one drink. We come home before 2 am.

The Girl Friend insisted on doing rounds after rounds of grueling karaoke where the girl could not sing at a bar where we all were carded 3 times and the clock flew by and so did the beers. I was exhausted and pissed that I didn't trust him to drive home. I cried in the bathroom and tried to figure out how to tell him that he better start doing what he says he will instead of just mouthing empty words.

No make up sex for him, but we did seem raggedly resolved after the car ride home. That scar still burns, though. I'm not sure what I'm thinking.

"When the Jabberwok comes, he will take our shoes.
He will take our arms so we cannot reach out to slap or hug him.
He will debate the earth's creation and may even bare
his breasts and show he is a woman."


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