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Mwalim's Educational Programs

Aside from his work as a performance artist, Mwalim is also a first rate and award winning arts educator. For several years he taught theater and creative writing in the Boston Public Schools, as well as lectured and presented at colleges, conferences, seminars and community programs. Some of the colleges include, including Boston University, Harvard University, Northeastern University, New York University, U Mass Dartmouth, U Mass Amherst, Howard University, City University of New York, Yale University and Medgar Evers College.

This page describes his various programs and offerings.


Mwalim presents lectures for colleges, universities and various arts and educational conferences. His academic background includes Black Musicology, Black Theater History and folklore. His lecture topics and presentations include:

~ "First It Was Said... Then It Was Written"- exploring roots of the Black American oral tradition and it's manifestations in modern literature.

~ "Aesthetics & Black Liberation" - looking at the role of the arts and the Black artists in the development of Black culture and the progression of Black Americans against racism, classism and sexism. Also looking at the need for arts and educational institutions in the community that preserve and present works by, for and about Black people.

~ "5,000 Years of Rap" - Linking rap music and the development of hip-hop to the Black Arts Movement of the 1960's, The Harlem Renaissance and the Jazz era. Also exploring the African griot tradition of spoken-word and music.

Residency Program

Mwalim is available for performances and residencies in schools and community organizations. These residency programs include storytelling, theater, creative writing and video production. Residency lengths can vary from 2-16 weeks, and are offered for grades 4 to college.

Schools in Massachusetts can book Mwalim through the Massachusetts Cultural Councils Event & Residency Roster, where they will cover up to 1/3 of the cost for a performance (1-3 days) and 1/2 of the cost for a residency.

Mwalim can be booked seperately or in combination with other artists, including members of his five piece band SOUL ENSEMBLE.

Mwalim is available for lecturing and presentations. All fee's are negotiable

Oversoul Theater Collective, Inc.
(978) 638-4091

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