
ECW Pictures!!!

Who is Bug?

Bug is........ MORE BUG INFO*****

I greatly appreciate your visit. I am a 21 year old girl. I was depressed, now im just weird. I graduated 6/3/00 with my associates degree in accounting. I was given a mini lop-eared rabbit for my 19th birthday which i named spike. I have the a picture of him on my photo page I love to take pictures...i would like to call myself a photographer... but i have no education to back up such a name. I would have taken courses so i could call myself a photographer...but my stubborness has held me back. I love color...the blue of the sky...the green of the grass...ect...ect...ect And of course all elementary courses for photography are black and white...i understand black and white is nessecary to learn contrast and blah, blah, blah.....but of course i have to be stubborn. Anyway i have some of my work linked to this page so you can be the true judge..if i have the right to call myself a photographer.

I am in the process of splitin up my page but i havent decided on the 2 catagories yet...nor do i have the time. I have alot of pages and links that no one sees because my page is not well organized. I was thinking on haveing a section for informative and interesting. but it will take me another month or two. Thank You again for visiting and alowing me to bore you with my thoughts and rambblings.
Aol Instant messager: juliebug79

PHOTO*** RABBIT INFO*** FREINDS ***LINKS ***LIST Everything is neatly organized with you dont miss anything just click here.

Please fill out my 5 question survey...I'll love you forever!

If you have any ideas on how i can make my page better you can e-mail me or just post it on my guestbook....Thanks Julie

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