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Zelda Gamecube
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Zelda 64

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This is the updates archives where you can check on what the sites been up to recently, or check out old updates from months past.

6/29/01: Sorry, but I am leaving for Maine tomorrow so there won't be updates for a week. I hoped to add new fanarts today but angelfire isn't loading my images for some reason. Anyway, sorry to those who submitted fanarts but they will hopefully be put on the site next week. Thats all for today.

6/25/01: Hey, if you noticed I've been messing with the layout again. On some pages you'll see a aqua colored scroll bar and rollover text, I soon hope to have this on all pages. So i'll be working on that and hopefully it will be done sometime in the near future. The site should still function normally i just think that these few changes make the site nicer.

6/24/01: I just finished the Seasons Characters Section so go give that a look. Also expect more frequent updates since there it is the summer, but I am also going away for a week soon, but I'l try to make up for it.

6/21/01: Hey! No more finals or school, its over! So to commemorate this, i put up the Oracle of Ages Characters Section up. So go check it out. Hopefully I will finish the Seasons characters soon as well.

6/15/01: Hey, sorry about this its not a real update but I have to say that there may not be new updates for the next few days. The reason being that my computer is going into the shop to be upgraded (yay!) but I won't have it back until monday or later. Also, finals are next week and then I'm home free! So I'll probably start studying this weekend anyway so there wouldn't be too many updates in the first place. If all is fine and good my next update should be no later than friday(the 21st).

6/11/01: Hey, two new news articles in one day! A new story on Super Smash Bros. Melee, and info on the development status of Zelda Gamecube. I've also joined some topsites and a newtwork. We also have a new affiliate Link's Golden Path which is a great Zelda site. I'll put up their button as soon as possible!

6/7/01: Hi again. You'll notice that we have another new affiliate! Although they aren't opened yet, the Kokiri Pride grand opening is scheduled for June 15, so go give them a visit. Thats all for today, more tomorrow hopefully.

6/6/01: Sorry for the slow updates, my internet has been really sluggish lately, but, soon i will get a new computer and better connection that will solve at that (hopefully). Anyway, today you will notice that I added a new affiliate to the list! Please visit Zelda Compound Ressurection when your done here. It's a well done site. Also, today I began work on the new site map (the old one was useless) which might take a while to complete. Also expect another story on Super Smash Bros. Melee (More Zelda pics!).

6/1/01: Hey, I haven't done a lot except I fixed the affiliates section. Unfortunately I had to remove Talmina off my list (sorry taft) because his site has shut down. It was a great site at its prime. I also took off the Zelda Mainframe since it has stopped, and the Realm Beyond Sight because my button is no longer there. Thats all for today. Also I hope i can get one of the Oracles Soon!

5/26/01: Good news, i worked on the Oracle Series. We now have Oracle of Seasons Screenshots, and Oracle of Ages Screenshots. Check them out! We also have a new affiliate, Zelda Clock Tower!

5/22/01: Hey all! We have a new affiliate that I would like you to check out once your done here. They are Midnight Castle's Legend of Zelda. It is a very good site. I also finished my other news story from E3 that you can read here

5/20/01: E3 has now ended and i have another news story coming about it that I'll post soon. Anyway, I added to the Oracle Section by adding an items page for both games. Thats all for today.

5/18/01: Hey, E3 seems to be off to a good start for Nintendo. I grabbed some info and some great pics from the upcoming "Super Smash Bros. Melee" for Gamecube. Check out the news story here. Hopefully more to come!

5/14/01: The Oracle Games are out today! I know that our Oracle Section is horridly weak(just the storyline) but when I'm done with the layout stuff i can get on it. Also, be on the look out for Zelda and Gamecube info sometime this week, while E3(the Electronics Entertainment Expo) takes place.

5/10/01: New fanart submission! Check out the Fanart Section and go check it out. I'm still trying to make the layout alteration but i took the time to submit this. I'll resume working on the layout tomorrow.

5/9/01: I've been working very hard on the site lately trying to get things back on track. The Oracle Section is now up and new information should be added soon. I think i got everything straightened out with the name change and am currently working on the layout. The layout needs to be altered to connect the the Oracle Series page, which is already present on a few pages. The Layout alteration should be complete within a couple of days (a week at the least).

5/7/01: Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been working on the new layout and network and Oracle Series. So expect a lot of new things popping up around here. And if you have a good Zelda Site, join the Zelda Elite Network we are in need of members!

4/29/01: Hey! New affiliate you should check out once your done here. The Realm of Zelda is an excellent site that you should defintely see. Also expect an Oracle Series section up soon I've been working very hard on it.

4/29/01: I'm back! And I added another trading sequence about the Land Title Deeds. Its fairly simple but you can check it out here. I also fixed up the directory's in the Majora's Mask Section to make for easier navigation.

4/29/01: I added a Majora's Mask Glitch page with some of the best glitches from the game. They're also all guaranteed to work since i ahve tried them out. Also notice that I set up a Reader Response section under the news section for people to respond to the site. C-ya.

4/24/01: Some great Majora's Mask Wallpapers added. Go check them out in the wallpaper section. I also added a new topsite list and am working on some other stuff that I will post soon. New Editorial on Gamecube added, see news.

4/22/01: Hey! I added a new topsites list. I also found a whole bunch of wallpapers which i will be posting soon.

4/20/01: I have been working very hard on the side navigation and it is now finished. I also added a very cool wallpaper of Link taking a slice at Deku Babas. In fact, it's on my desktop right now!

4/18/01: New features added today. We now have a Guestbook to replace the broken message board. I also added a page listing release dates that will be updated to show you the latest word on when upcoming games are to be released. Check it out!

4/15/01: Sorry! I missed a couple days of updates. I've been sick over the last few days but I'm better now. I just finished writing an article with more info on Zelda Gamecube! Check it out here.

4/8/01: I'm back, and we now have our first fanfiction! Check it out here. We now have 7 fanarts and 1 fanfiction! You can submit fanfics and fanart to I also added a new topsite list.

4/8/01: Hey all, I fixed up the Fanart Section with 4 new submitions. Also, the new layout is finally complete!!! More updates soon.

4/4/01: Good news! I'd like to welcome a new affiliate to The Cavern... Zelda Quest. They have a very indepth website including info from the original zelda! I also joined 2 new topsite lists. Also, if you haven't noticed I've been working more on the layout providing a navigation bar beneath the header.

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All material in this site created by me belongs to the Cavern.
All other material belongs to its respective owners.
The Cavern - 2000 - 2001
