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September - October 2000 Updates

October-30-2000: I didn't get too far in Majora's Mask today but I did update the site. I polished up the news page (sorry for the broken link) and added a new news article. I am not only focusing on Zelda for the News but also a little in Nintendo's Gamecube. Anyway, I'm gonna go play some Majora's Mask now so enjoy!

October-29-2000: Hey, I'm back. I deleted the Starcraft and Final Fantasy Sections because i never updated them and no one ever visited them. The Cavern is now a pure Zelda site! I also added a news and articles section so that everyone can check in on the latest news for zelda and nintendo.

October-29-2000: Majora's Mask is awesome! I beat the first temple and all the subplost are really hard, plus there are a ton! Anyway, I added more screenshots for Majora's Mask, and the game is looking great. If you don't have Majora's Mask, I urge you to buy it. It is a great game!

October-26-2000: I got Majora's Mask!!! Its awesome! I lost the first time trying to get the ocarina but made it the second time. It's a hard game. Also have you seen how big the area's are? They are huge! Anyway, I am not really updating much today but am fixing topsites and such. Also, I ufortunately am going to close the other sections (final fantasy and starcraft) because i never work on them and no one goes to them. So, The cavern is now a pure Zelda Site! Anyway, I m gonna play now so c-yaz.

October-17-2000: I'm back to give you the lowdown on Majora's Mask Items. Check them out here.

October-8-2000: Majora's Mask, has been preordered! Oh yes, 17 days. Anyway, I added a new poll so be sure to check that out here. I'd like 2 see more people vote just to see there opinions. C-ya later.

October-7-2000: Majora's Mask is coming soon and i am getting ready. I edited the Weapons Page so that the Zoran, Goron, and Deku weapons are there. I also recently opened a new topsites list called the Zelda Elite Top 20. The best site on the list will be given an award. So Join now!

September-23-2000: I found some time to update and added a Final Fantasy Section. It isn't well developed and it could be a while before it's up. You can check for updates at that site, which brances off to a different adress: (

September-16-2000: I found some time to update and it was fairly new so here it goes. I got some new Majora's mask Screenshots from the U.S. version. More may come soon so keep your eyes open. Anyway, i won't be able to update much but i will when i can like now.
