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2003 Celebrity Foosball Tournament Round One Results


We knew coming in that this tournament was wide open, and between the upsets and near upsets and other surprises, Round One certainly lived up to its prediction.  We had some favorites go down in the first round, but one man made himself the unquestioned favorite after a dominating performance in the first round.

Will Ferrell sweeps Macho Man.  In what is believed to be the most lopsided victory in Online Halloween Foosball Tournament history, Will Ferrell received 13 votes while not having one person vote against him. While Macho Man had his day, and his new rap songs may feature some ill rhymes, Ferrell has now established himself as the #1 contender in the battle for the Celebrity Halloween Foosball Championship.
Will Ferrell vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Total votes 13

  Will Ferrell (13) 100%
  Randy Savage (0) 0%  
SHAK-ING UPSET!: Shakira upends Vince Vaughn: Vince Vaughn may not have been the biggest name competitor in the tournament, most expected after his hilarious performance in Old School that he would easily advance to face his Old School co-star in the second round.  It didn't happen.  Greg Ouellette set the tone early in voting for Shakira, and promised she would pull off the upset of the first round.  That she did, but whether or not she can tango past Ferrell in round 2 figures to be a whole other story.
Vince Vaughn vs. Shakira

Total votes 13

  Vince Vaughn (5) 38%
  Shakira (8) 62%
"Useless" Prevails over "Brain Dead"David Ortiz was a little more popular with the fans and also had been on quite a hot streak, so a 9-4 victory over Grady Little was just about what was to be expected.  A key thing to look at is how his post-season performance affects the voting. Ortiz went 0 for 16 before coming through with arguably the biggest hit of the series in Game Four.
David "Useless" Ortiz vs. Grady "B.D." Little

Total votes 13

  David Ortiz (9) 69%
  Grady Little (4) 31%
The Legendary Jack moves on:  Only a few select people truly deserve the distinction of being called "Legendary," but Jack Parker is definitely the most worthy candidate this side of Chuck.  The man has won more than 4 times as many Beanpots as Northeastern has in the school's entire history....and thats just as a Coach.  The win over one of the American Idol winners is nice, but its going to be a tough road for Coach Parker to win it all.
Legendary Coach Jack Parker vs. Ruben Studdard

Total votes 13

  Jack Parker (9) 69%
  Ruben Studdard (4) 31%
Jim's Dad pulls off the Duel of the Dads at the last moment:  This was easily the most hotly contested match up of the first round.  With the exception of perhaps Greg, everyone considered this the toughest call, and in the end it was Corey Pinkham, the 13th voter, who put Jim's Dad back on top for the final tally.  It wasn't easy for him however, and at one point, the Prince of Darkness held a 3 point advantage.  Jim's Dad's victory sets up the intriguing American Pie matchup in round 2.
Eugene Levy (aka Jim's Dad) vs. Ozzy Osbourne

Total votes 13

  Eugene Levy (7) 54%
  Ozzy Osbourne (6) 46%
Stifler raps up easy victory over John Cena:  Sure Cena may be from West Newbury, and his raps may be some of the funniest parts of a Smackdown! telecast, but if the polls show anything they show that the voters aren't fans of rapping wrestlers this year.  Stifler will face now face Jim's Dad in an American Pie dream match up.  The two funniest guys in those movies will collide in Round 2.
John Cena vs. Sean William Scott

Total votes 13

  John Cena (3) 23%
  Sean William Scott (10) 77%
Lawyer Milloy? This may have been more shocking than Shakira's victory.  Lawyer Milloy, the Buffalo Bills strong safety, defeated Jay from Jay & Silent Bob.  I can't even begin to discuss this.  Its just too shocking, and begs the question, what were these people thinking?
Lawyer Milloy vs. Jason Mewes

Total votes 13

  Lawyer Milloy (7) 54%
  Jason Mewes (6) 46%
Silent Bob advances without his hetero-life mate: Kevin Smith beat Christina Aguliera in a match that was closer than many thought.  His victory should have set up a great matchup pitting Jay vs. Silent Bob.  Instead its Silent Bob vs. Lawyer Milloy for no apparent reason.
Kevin Smith vs. Christina Aguilera

Total votes 13

  Kevin Smith (8) 62%
  Christina Aguilera (5) 38%
Al Pacino kills Mitt Romney:  The star of Scarface received more votes than anybody else besides Will Ferrell, but it wasn't a surprise because 1. Al Pacino's the Best, and more importantly 2. Mitt Romney sucks.  Both of Romney's votes came from the UMass Amherst campus.  Of course after looking at how they "celebrate" it is now apparent that those people are just plain stupid.  In any event, Mitt Romney learned that if you're fucking with Pacino, you're fucking with the best!
Al Pacino vs. Mitt Romney

Total votes 13

  Al Pacino (11) 85%
  Mitt Romney (2) 15%
Lebron James is the most over-hyped teenager:  That's apparently what the voters feel as 18 year old basketball star Lebron beat 14 year golf phenom Michelle in one of five first round matches decided by a single vote. 
Michelle Wie vs. LeBron James

Total votes 13

  Michelle Wie (6) 46%
  LeBron James (7) 54%
This is what dreams are made of: Hilary Duff, who is younger than any of the HFT winners, became one of only five Celebrity Tournament competitors to get double digit votes.  She beat Ramiro Mendoza, the MVP of the Yankees this year.  The star of Lizzie McGuire and On the Bus moves on to the second round.  Can she go all the way?  You never know.
Hilary Duff vs. Ramiro Mendoza

Total votes 13

  Hilary Duff (10) 77%
  Ramiro Mendoza (3) 23%
Tomb Raider defeats herself:  Lara Croft, the video game Tomb Raider defeated Angelina Jolie, the movie Tomb Raider in one of the more interesting first round matchups.  Jolie, who was once married to one of the Red Sox pitchers (although he doesn't quite look like it now that he's bald) lost even though Joe Glaude didn't vote.
Angelina Jolie vs. Lara Croft

Total votes 13

  Angelina Jolie (5) 38%
  Lara Croft (8) 62%
Battle of Bobs goes to the Italian:  Some called this an upset!  Bob Barker certainly is worthy of joining Jack Parker and Al Pacino on the list of legends, but come on, Robert Deniro was in Goodfellas.  This was another tough call for the voters, and Deniro won by only a single vote.
Robert DeNiro vs. Bob Barker

Total votes 13

  Robert DeNiro (7) 54%
  Bob Barker (6) 46%
Kerry wins the VHFT primary: Senator John F. Kerry used his home field advantage to defeat former Vermont Governor, Dr. Howard Dean in the first head to head politician matchup of the Celebrity Tournament since Bill Clinton beat George W. Bush in the 3rd round of 2001.  Rumors that Dean is a Yankee fan certainly hurt him.
Senator John F. Kerry vs. Dr. Howard Dean

Total votes 13

  John Kerry (10) 77%
  Howard Dean (3) 23%
Another shocking upset: Catherine Zeta-Jones mounted herself a rally monkey to come from behind and beat Joe Pantoliano.  It appeared that Joey Pants was headed to the second round, but all of a sudden, Zeta-Jones took the lead on the final voter. This is arguably more shocking than Shakira over Vince Vaughn.
Catherina Zeta Jones vs. Joe Pantoliano

Total votes 13

  Catherine Zeta Jones (7) 54%
  Joe Pantoliano (6) 46%
Berman wins broadcast battle: After listening to the ALDS, it would be unanimous that everyone wants Jerry Remy back for the announcing, because the Fox and ESPN announcers who were calling the games absolutely sucked.  Its too bad Berman is a football guy first.  But in the end the voters sided with Boomer, as Remy will be soon gone for the off season (not until November of course) while Berman will continue to be the man on Sunday mornings. Now he has to face the suddenly formidable Catherine Zeta Jone, but he could go all the way you know.
Chris Berman vs. Jerry Remy

Total votes 13

  Chris Berman (7) 54%
  Jerry Remy (6) 46%

So there you have it. Some of the big names  like Jason Mewes and Ozzy Osbourne went down early, while other surprising victors like Catherine Zeta Jones, Shakira, and Lawyer Milloy.  Al Pacino and Will Ferrell dominated, while Chris Berman, Jim's Dad, and Bob Deniro just barely survived. It was an exciting round one, and we get to do it all again in round two. The Sweet Sixteen is now!

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