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Virtual Halloween Foosball Tournament Preview

This year's VHFT brings a unique format to the Online Halloween Foosball Tournament. It should provide quite the spark to the original tournament, which has been lacking behind the Celebrity Edition in popularity, especially last year.  This year its a World Cup inspired theme, and it will provide for quite an interesting few weeks leading up to the Halloween Foosball Tournament and its conclusion.

Here is a group by group look at the first half of the tournament, the Round Robin stage.  This should be very interesting.  There will be 45 matches held, and everybody has a shot at winning one this year.  With the top two advancing in each group, the chances of a dark horse competitor taking it all are greatly enhanced.  Anyway, lets get on with the preview...


Group A (Corey Pinkham, Joey Higson, Kenny Stuart, and Booger McFarland)

Booger McFarland withdrew from the tournament due to an injury, so therefore, Corey, Joey and Kenny each have a 2/3 chance of advancing to the single elimination portion.  Corey is the heavy favorite and should advance, but the Joey/Kenny battle is really too close to call.  I'll give the edge to Joey Higson because of his status as a Bartlett alumni, and since he is James Higson's brother.  My picks: Corey & Joey advance

 Group B (Greg Ouellette, Patrick Casserly, Shawn Paradise, Shane Gallagher)

Greg and Patrick one on one head to head, just like in the old days.  Greg, of course once beat Patrick two times in one night, but that's a story we needn't get into at this point.  Now just because Greg has shown superior skills in actual foosball, doesn't mean nothing in online foosball, and Greg's perceived arrogance may be a turn off to voters.  Odds are however, that the Patrick haters and the Greg haters will cancel each other out, giving Greg an advantage due to his real life success.  Shawn Paradise could sneak out of here however with a second place finish.  I seriously doubt Shane will get any votes, except in cases where people are blatantly voting against his opponent.  Its really close, but I think Greg advances along with Shawn, although Pat could very easily win as well. My picks: Greg & Shawn advance

Group C (Steve Ostis, Keith Ouellette, Lena Mendonca, James Higson)

This is easily, by far, the best Group of the tournament. Higson and Lena may not have any actual HFT victories, but both have impressed in the VHFT, with James Higson actually going to the finals in 2001.  Steve really gets screwed in the luck of the draw  here, because its possible, he doesn't even advance.  These matches also have some real life implications too if you think about it.  Steve vs. Keith, the big trash talkers from last year.  Steve vs. Higson, his former cut man.  Keith avenging his brother Greg against his former sister in law, Lena.  And of course, the still unsettled score of the ELLD co-owner against his female general manager, you just know there's still hard feelings there.  I really think anyone of these competitors could win the whole tournament, although some have a better shot than others.  This one's really too close to call.  My picks: Steve & Higson, but I wouldn't be shocked if its Lena & Keith that advance.

Group D (James Ostis, Brice Gallagher, Nick Lutz, Christos Stamas)

As tough as Steve has it in his group, Jim almost has it as easy with his.  He faces Brice Gallagher, who hasn't competed in a HFT since 1997, Nick Lutz, who is Nicky's friend, but hasn't been a major foosball factor, except having left the tournament early to give Steve a bye in 1999, and Christos Stamas, better known as Day Care Chris, who faced Angel in one of the foosball tournament's most memorable moments, but if you knew the kid, you wouldn't vote for him.  Just kidding.  Actually I'm not.  Jim will advance, but I find it hard seeing Brice moving on since he's been inactive for so long.  It may actually be Christos on the strength of his memorable near victory against Angel in 1999.  My picks: Jim & Christos.

Group E (Nicky Ostis, Wilson Rith, Amanda Stamas, Gina Ouellette)

Longtime fans remember that on his Flutie Magic run of 1998, Nicky faced Wilson in the first round.  Could this be symbolic of a big tournament for Nickyguy? Well I think he'll advance, and Wilson will too, unless he quits.  Although Gina has recently tied Jon Casserly as the most prolific loser in HFT history, she might have an outside shot of advancing.  Especially since this is an online tournament, and Gina herself admits, that her whole life is online. Oh dis.  My picks: Nicky & Wilson

Group F (Dale Silva, Sothey Long, Angela Regan, Jon Casserly)

The mysterious Dale is one of very few people to own a .500 record.  He also defeated a legend, The Legendary Chuck, in 1998.  He's the headliner in a relatively weak group.  Sothey will likely end up with the most wins and in first place coming out of this group. Angela has very little name recognition outside Nicky's friends, so she'll have a hard time recieving votes. Jon Casserly may get a couple votes based on name recognition, but my money's on the Bartlett Class of '98ers.  My picks: Sothey & Dale.

Group G (Billy Gendron, The Legendary Chuck, Colin Bielski, Paul Gendron)

The Legendary Chuck will advance.  Make no bones about it.  He may even sweep all the votes as he is facing a somewhat weak field.  As for the rest, Keith's buddy-buddyness with Colin, may get Colin a few votes.  Billy and Paul are the only brothers to face in the first round.  Billy could advance, afterall, as he is historically important for being the first person Corey ever beat in the Halloween Foosball Tournament.  He also owns a .500 record, so the voting public may give him that.  Paul is the only person besides Keith that TLC has beaten in the HFT.  The bottom line is, this group will be won by Chuck.  My picks: The Legendary Chuck & Billy

Group H (Derek Cassie, Angel Nales, Shaun McKennedy, Kyle Bielski)

This is actually a pretty close group.  Angel's going to win, but any of the other three could also advance. Derek is Corey's buddy of sorts, his favorite early round opponent, and he was involved in one of the biggest upsets in Halloween Foosball Tournament history when he beat Wilson last year.  Kyle was involved in one of the greatest matches in Halloween Foosball Tournament history, 2001 vs. Jim.  Shaun McKennedy was involved in one of the most memorable moments in.......pool ball history this past summer, when he slowly swam home to score the winning run in the McKennedy Bros. vs. Corey and Steve pool ball game, while Corey stood in the pool like an idiot, and didn't even go after the ball.  I might just vote for him, because of that.  My picks: Angel & Shaun

And if my picks are correct, this is how I see the Single Elimination portion of the tournament going down.
















    Finalist: Jim
    Winner: The Legendary Chuck


    Finalist: The Legendary Chuck



The Legendary Chuck

The Legendary Chuck    


  The Legendary Chuck  










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