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The other white meat.

Well you have made it to my page. Congratulations on your achievement. Well my home Web page is dedicated to many people and I had nothing to do so here it is for your viewing. It is dedicated to my family (Steve, Lori, Tomas & Monica, Geoff, my grandparents, and Calie), friends (Amanda, Patricia, Kim, Angelina, Miranda, and Mitch) oh and a great drink Sprite(you will see just look within the pages). And well it is also just for your viewing. So when you get a chance please sign my guest and slam books please, so I can know who came here and what you think. I have my ICQ link where you can download and I have my ICQ # so you can get ahold of me. And you can also add links that you like on my page just below. And please pass this page on to some of your friends.

Wow your C:\ Drive isn't bad!!!

Wow your C:\ Drive isn't bad!! Just an example but see what people can get easily??? Haha

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