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Joey The Wonder Dog

This will introduce Joey the dog


Joey, according to the vet, is a Husky/Spitz mix. You can see the husky in him but I'm not so sure about the Spitz.
He introduced himself to us when we were on a camping trip and stayed with us the whole time we were there. He was hanging around the campground with no collar and begging for food. He seemed to have been mistreated because he would cower if you raised your hand around him.

I was impressed with his intelligence and how he would follow my Sons everywhere, even on a paddle boat standing between the kids like he was the Captain as they paddled around the lake. Always with a huge smile on his face. He was too much to resist.
I asked the guy who owned the property if we could have him and he said we could.


Anyway, the rest is history. He now lives with me and has become an essential member of the household. Without him to provide enough dog hair to stuff a mattress with each day, I'd have almost nothing to do.

He's smart, gentle and very good company.

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The music is "Route 66"