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The Clark Who Stole Christmas

by Gail (


Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer

Rating: adult

Clay and Clark watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas (the Chuck Jones version with Boris Karloff as narrator and Grinch) - well, most of it.

Eclipse Snapshot #30.

Disclaimer: None of the characters herein portrayed belong to me. I make no profit from this story and mean no disrespect.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Thanks to Tinnean for her beta and support.


The Grinch is up on the mountain with all the loot and I know what happens next, so I stop the tape.


"I've seen enough." I flash him a smile. "You know how it ends, right? They all end up happy."

"Would you mind telling me why you don't want to see the ending?"

Damn, I should have known he'd get what I was doing. I don't want to tell him. He'll think my reasoning's dumb.

"Please?" He smiles into my eyes and I don't care if he thinks I'm getting soft or my reasoning's dumb, he's here with me and he's mine.

"It gets stupid. The heart growing and all that."

He nods. "I always thought that the heart growing three sizes was questionable."

"Yeah." He's still smiling at me, so I give up and tell him more. "And the going down to the Whos. I hate the Whos." Now he'll tell me he likes them, although I don't see how he can. They're too trusting and full of idiocy.

"They are strange." He frowns. "You know, the story *is* told by a narrator."

Well, yeah. I wait to hear what he's getting at.

"The narrator is usually the final authority, but it could be argued that he doesn't know the whole story. In fact, it could be argued that he's recounting a folk tale and therefore has no direct knowledge of the events."

Clay's cute when he's thinking. Wish I'd known him in college. I'd have gone down on him in the library when he was trying to study, woken him up in the night to fuck him, jerked him off whenever he wanted. Would have been fun to distract him. Bet he didn't have anyone smart enough there.

"Clark." He's smiling again. "What are you thinking?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"I suspect you're thinking about getting me into bed."

Well, yeah. I shrug and grin. "You were saying?"

"Yes, I was." He puts his hand on my leg, and I swallow as my cock jumps and wants more and now. Damned if everything about him doesn't get me hot. "Such a radical change in the Grinch seems unlikely to me, given his history, so going from that reasoning and with the assumption that the narrator had no direct knowledge of the events in the tale he recounted, I find it a plausible conclusion that the Grinch did not, in fact, have his heart grow three sizes that day. Instead, I conclude that the Grinch faked the transformation in order to infiltrate the Whos' community."

"To spy on them?"

"Possibly. Or to reap the benefits of living within a community that would support and feed him."

He's looking at me with what I have to say is tenderness, and I know that he's only humoring me with this whole long explanation, but I don't care. He's doing it, and that's what counts.

"All right then. Let's watch the rest of this thing."

His hand slides up my leg. "I'd rather go to bed. We can watch it from the beginning another time."

"Sure." If Clay wants sex from me, he gets it. I click off the VCR and the TV, and as soon as I put the remote down, his mouth's on mine. I get my arms around him and kiss him back.

When we break from the kiss, he's smiling at me, and there's nothing I'd rather see, nowhere I'd rather be.

"I'm glad you're here and not off with the Grinch."

Yeah, me too.

The End

Posted 12/23/03

To read the next Eclipse Snapshot, go to When You Love Someone.

