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What He Wants

by Gail (


Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer

Rating: adult

Clay brings home a movie, and smut happens.

Eclipse Snapshot #24.

Disclaimer: If they belonged to me, they'd wear leather a lot more, trust me.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Tinnean beta'd, and Scarlet gave me an idea a while ago that spawned this story, although it's not the story she envisioned. I thank both of them.

For Page on her birthday (6/18/02).


I can't believe he brought this video home. Armageddon, a movie about some asteroid that'll blow up the earth unless some drillers go up and plant a bomb. Is he fucking with me? Or is he trying to get something he thinks I'll like?

"Someone recommend this to you, Clay?"

He shakes his head from the other end of the couch, which is a problem right there. What the hell is he doing so far away? And I'm not getting the sign to move closer. Damn.

"No, I thought it looked interesting. Something of a change from what I usually rent. You don't like it?"

"Looks great to me." Hell, I'll watch anything Clay wants to.

"We'll have to watch it and find out."

He hits play.


We're not ten minutes in when Clay hits rewind, then play and pause. "Clark. That NASA tech."

"So I've got a double, too." Disturbingly so. "You like the idea of me working for NASA?"

"I like the idea of you working where I can keep an eye on you," he says dryly, and I grin. Yeah, Clay keeps a good eye on me, and I keep a good eye on him.

"Of course. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else." His eyes warm, and he smiles. "Still, all those astronauts have to need fucking, and the NASA guys look like they'd like some, too. I'll bet that NASA tech knows that."

"Yeah." His voice is a growl, and I suck in air as my cock hardens. Maybe we won't see the movie yet. "You'd fuck any of them who held still long enough."

"I would? I thought we were talking about him." I smile as I think about fucking some other guy. Might be fun for a change. Clay could watch or fuck me while I was fucking them. Oh, yeah.

"Clark. Come here."

He grabs me as soon as I'm close and pulls me against him and slams his mouth on mine. I get my hands on whatever of him I can reach and thrust my tongue into his mouth and let him push me down on the couch.

We grind against each other like a couple of kids making out, and it's almost good enough to get me off, but Clay stops and pulls me up again.

"Strip. I want you naked." He gets out of his clothes even quicker than me and works his cock slowly, which he knows is a distraction. I can't take my eyes off him, and he watches me and runs his tongue over those lips of his, and all I can think about is sex and him and what does he want and why the hell aren't we doing it?

"What do you want now?"

He answers by pinching my nipples, and I groan. He knows that drives me crazy.

"What would that NASA tech give me, Clark? Would he get on his knees or fuck me or jerk me off? Tell me."

He keeps working my nipples, and I can't get the words out for a long moment. I don't want to talk. I'll get on my knees if he wants me to. He knows that.

"Well?" He leans over and licks my throat. "You used to have a mouth, Clark. I miss that."

"I still do have a mouth." I pant as the base of his hand brushes the head of my cock. "He'd do whatever you wanted." I'll do whatever he wants.

"So if I told him to fuck himself on my cock, he would? After he'd sucked it, of course."

"Yeah, he would, but he won't. I will. You're mine."

I get on my knees and get his cock into my mouth. No subtlety, no technique. Just sucking to get it wet enough that I can take it in my ass. It'll be enough.

"Yours? I thought you were mine. All mine. Everywhere and anywhere. Any time, too."

Damned right I'm his. I pull my mouth off and get back up on the couch, straddling him. "Yeah, I'm yours."

"Good. You need to know that. I need you to know that."

I can't look away from his eyes. Possessive and fierce and certain, all that I wanted to see when I was blackmailing him into bed, and all that I want to see now.

"I need you, Clark." He pulls out a tube from the drawer and squeezes some lube on his fingers and spreads it over his cock, then on me. I whimper as his fingers push into me just a little, then pull out.

"I need you." He has to know that.

He smiles. "Good thing we have each other then."

"Yeah." I can't take much more of this, and I get the head of his cock against my hole and push down and moan. The burn and the pain and the heat of him are what I need, too. He lets me do it all.

"We do have each other." His voice isn't so composed now, and his eyes are bright.

"I'm going to fuck myself on you now. You want to shut up and enjoy it?" He'd better.

He laughs and pulls my head to his. "Yes," he murmurs before he kisses me again.

And I do, and he does.

The End

Posted 6/18/02

To read the next Eclipse Snapshot, go to Stupid Movie.

