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Got You

by Gail (


Harmon Rabb/Clark Palmer

Rating: adult

Clark Palmer gets caught by Harmon Rabb, but nothing goes as planned.

Prequel to He Tricked Me

Disclaimer: The characters in this story belong to DPB and CBS, not me. If they did belong to me, I'd be too busy to write.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

This would of necessity have to be in a world where Wilderness of Mirrors didn't happen, since no way did this Palmer go to Leavenworth. He thinks I'm insane to believe he'd ever allow that to happen. *g*

I got this idea from Page and Alexandra back in April, since they both used to gang up on me to get me to write them stories, and I thank them for the idea.

Thanks to Tinnean for betaing this for me. It's her present on the first anniversary (8/8/2001) of the beginning of our wonderful friendship.


I can't believe fucking Rabb was in the right place at the wrong time for me. Isn't he supposed to be in a courtroom, annoying a judge or the other lawyer on whatever stupid case he's assigned to? But no, he was home, so when I decided to come over and see if there was anything new and interesting, like some kind of tourist, for god's sake, I didn't take enough precautions, and he got me. Knocked me out like a heavyweight, then got me cuffed to the chair before I came to. I wonder when the cops will show up. Rabb has to have called the cops. Great. Jail. I don't want to go to jail. I don't know if I've got enough favors to call in to get out this time. A good agent doesn't get caught. Goddammit.

He's checking the cuffs again. Like I'm going to get out of them. These aren't the kind you pick up in joke shops, Harm, and you know that. But I have to do something. There's no way in hell I'm going to let Rabb bring me in. Have to get to Rabb, and get to him in a way that gets him to unlock these cuffs.

Getting to Rabb. I know how to get him pissed, no problem, but that won't help. He bends over to check the cuffs on my ankles, and I watch him. When he straightens, that's when I catch it. He's hard, not a whole hell of a lot, but enough to make a bulge. Having me cuffed has Harm turned on. *That* I can work with.

First, make a connection with him. "Commander, when will the police be here?" Something obvious, something small, something that has nothing to do with the real point.

He stares at me. "None of your business."

None of my business? Sounds to me like he didn't call them. From the angle the sun's shining in, I was out an hour or so. I should have woken up in a cell, but I didn't. I woke up with Harmon Rabb staring at me. Interesting. Harm, guardian of law and order and the American way, has me, the man he has to think threatens everything he believes in, here, and he's not yelling to anyone to let them know.

Did he call Webb? That would be the smart thing to do, because when Webb got his hands on me, I'd be so far under lock and key and truth drugs I wouldn't come up for years. If he really wants to get me, Webb's his best bet, but he and Webb aren't on the best terms, stupid as that is. You'd think Harm would know an ally with a brain when he found one. I know Webb. He would have gotten here by now with some more CIA shits to take me away, and he'd be all calm and cool and professional. No way to get to him. Well, not that I've found yet. Even Webb has to have some kind of kink, something he wants enough to let down his guard to get. But damn, he hides it too well. I've tried everything on him, and he just takes it and goes on.

The only logical conclusion is that Harm doesn't want to turn me over to anyone else. Fine, Harm. You don't have to. You've got me here, and I'll play along with whatever you want. Now what? I'll have to see what I can do to move this along. He'll realize he has to call someone at some point, and we can't have that.

"Does it feel good to have won?"

He's staring at me still. Good. I want him focused on me. "This isn't about winning, Palmer." But there's something on his face that tells me it is, and of course it is. Everything's about winning. He and I are more alike than he's ever gotten.

"Isn't it?" I keep my face serious. Never move too quickly for someone like Rabb. He might not be able to keep up. "It always was for me." I look down. He has to think he's got me. "So what now?"

He doesn't answer for a moment, then his voice is rough when he does. "I keep you here." Pause, then the voice is almost too low to hear. "Like this."

Good. Thanks, Harm, you just made my job a lot easier. I shift in the chair, spread my legs. "Your very own prisoner?" I steal a look at him, and yeah, still hard. I don't need to see his face. I can tell what's going on from his crotch, and he's right in front of me now.

"Yeah." I know he's staring at me, thinking about what he could do to me. What I could do for him. I knew Harm had these kind of fantasies; I found out way too much about the guy when I had to learn to impersonate him. I shouldn't be surprised that they've ended up focusing on me. A compliment, really, not that I care for his opinion. "It's not like I can trust anyone else with you."

No, Harm, it's not like you want anyone else to have me. But that's fine, no problem. You want me? You can have me. I've had sex with men who were a hell of a lot more repulsive than you, and they never suspected I was anything less than thrilled. The DSD teaches you to deal with anything.

I don't say anything, just keep my head down. He has to believe I'm broken, too ashamed to look him in the eyes. Then his hand is in my hair, jerking my head up, and I let out a cry, like he'd expect.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, Palmer." His hand stays in my hair, holding tight, even though I'm not fighting him at all. I am getting to him.

Quiet is still my best option, so I stare at him, putting all the lure I can in my eyes. He's staring so damned much at me, but he's not doing anything. Come on, Harm, get a brain. You've got me bound and helpless. I wet my lips.

"You can't do a damned thing now, you know that, Palmer?"

Good. He's thinking about it. "I know," I say in a low voice. "I told you, you won."

He's got the right look in his eyes. I'm winning. "Bet you never thought I'd catch you, right?"

You got that right, Harm. But that would definitely be the wrong answer. "No," I mutter. He expects me to be sullen; fine, I'll do it.

"I did. You think you're so smart; you're not. You fucked up, Palmer." He smiles. "You really fucked up."

I get out another 'yes', and he smiles even more. Why, Harm, you sound so happy to hear that. Now let's get this going the right way again.

"You can't keep me here forever, you know." I fix my eyes on him, broadcasting the offer I can't say yet. **But you've got me now. You can do anything with me. I'm broken; I'm helpless; I'm yours.** God, Harmon Rabb's. Bad thought. But that's all right. It won't last that long, and if I'm reading him right, all he'll want is my mouth. He might want my ass, but I doubt that. He can justify a blowjob, but fucking me would be too real for the commander. Too good for him, too, but then I'm too good for him.

"But I've got you now." His breathing's rapid, good, and yeah, he's harder now.

I lick my lips again and give him a 'scared of how you're making me feel' look. If he falls for that one, he's really stupider than I thought, but I'm pretty sure he will. Time to make sure I'm hard. He will be checking. I start the exercise I learned in training, call up the thought-patterns that always work, ease down the controls, and sure enough, the blood rushes in. I still don't want him, but I practiced this exercise until I could do it better than anyone else in my class, and it's been very useful to me. There are a fair amount of people who have useful information who want sex more than anything, and I have no problem with that. I can give anyone what they want. My nickname at the DSD was 'Chameleon', one of my nicknames, that is.

"You like this, don't you, Palmer?" He's noticed the erection, and he just surprised me with a hand to my crotch. I groan, and it's not all acting. It feels damned good to have his fingers on me, even through my jeans. "Maybe you always wanted to lose to me."

Fine, Harm, whatever. I'll go along with your dirty little fantasy. You're the one who's going to have to live with this. I groan again. He'll hear in it what he wants to hear.

"I should have known. Clark Palmer, artiste, wanted to get taken down." He laughs and takes his hand away. "Glad I could help."

All right, that's enough of that shit. It's not getting me what I want. "What do you want me to do?" He's not thinking well enough to wonder why the fuck I'm offering. I wet my lips again, but keep my eyes lowered. Have to look submissive and broken.

There's a long pause, and I check his crotch a couple of more times to make sure he's still with me, but finally he gets the words out. "I want you on your knees."

A blowjob, then. Fine. Easy. And he's going to have to let me go. "Please," I whisper. Begging Harmon Rabb. But I'll win in the end; I always do, and this is how to do it. It means nothing, and Harm won't be able to remember this with quite the joy I'm sure he's got now.

He leans over me, and yes, good boy, he takes off the cuffs. I don't stand and make a move for the door, even though technically I'm free. Not yet. Amateurs run right away. Pros make sure they're not going to be pursued, and I know just how to do that. Make Rabb come so fucking hard he won't be able to get up on those legs of his that will turn to rubber when I'm through with him. I can do that.

"On your knees, Palmer."

I stand and end up right against his body. Hmm. Not bad. Too bad he doesn't want to get fucked, but that wouldn't fit the power trip he's on. Then I kick the chair out of the way, getting two things done at once: making room for me to kneel and making it harder for him to get me secured again. He just laughs.

"You really want it." I'm on my knees now, and he runs his hand over my hair. "I like that."

I know better than to answer that in any way but one, which is to open his zipper and take that cock out. Hard, not too big, nice enough. I can handle this. I know he's clean, so I can skip the condom, and I do. Surprise works for me.

The sound he makes when I take in the head is more than enough to let me know that I played this right, and I can't help making a pleased sound of my own. He takes it for desire and pushes in farther. I let him, because I don't care. Get Rabb off, that's the point, and the less time it takes, the better for me. He's not that big. I can handle him.

I get going on a good rhythm of sucking and working my mouth up and down on his cock, and he's taking it just like a guy who hasn't gotten any in a while, when he pulls out. Now what?

"I don't want to come in your mouth, Palmer." I glance up, and he's got a look in his eyes that would scare me if I was prone to fear. "I want your ass. Get up."

He reaches for me, but I beat him to it, shifting my weight so that I can stand gracefully. "Where do you want me?" So Harm wants to fuck me. That's a surprise, but I can do this, too.

His eyes flick to his bedroom, and I keep in my smile. Sure thing, Harm. You'll sleep really well there after you have this memory to keep you company. But that's your problem. "Get in there."

I bow my head again just enough for him to notice. Can't have Harm figuring out that I'm not his little slave. "Yes, sir."

Oh, he likes that. His eyes gleam even more. Yeah, Harm, enjoy yourself.

He waves me up into the bedroom, and I go. When he gets there, he's naked. I wait. His show.

"Get your clothes off, Palmer," he snaps. "I'm going to fuck you. Didn't you get that?"

I don't answer, because it won't get me anything, just strip as quickly as I can, making sure to leave the clothes in a pile where I can grab them when it's time to go. He pushes me on the bed face first, and I get myself on my hands and knees. Next I feel his fingers on me, but I can also feel he's got something on them, and I grin. Good boy, Harm.

"Yeah," I whisper, making sure I sound hot and breathless and all those good things. I do some deep breathing to relax, which is good, because Harm-boy shoves two fingers into me. No technique, but then he's out for him, like always.

He takes out the fingers, then it's the head of his cock I feel. Haven't done this in a while, but I'll be fine. I know how to get fucked. I relax to let him in, keep breathing, remind myself this is about getting free. I can get Rabb later.

He shoves it in, then starts fucking me. I tighten around him, knowing that'll get him off quicker. He's muttering something about 'wanted to do this for a long time', interesting, but then he shuts up and just pumps, which is fine with me. A few more thrusts, and he's coming, nice and loud, so I know it.

He pulls out and collapses on the bed. Thought so. "Got you," he murmurs.

I roll over to the other side of the bed and say nothing. If he's got a brain left, he'll do something, but when I check, he's got his eyes closed. Perfect. I'm so damned good.

I slip on my clothes and head for the door. He didn't even take my wallet; what a moron. I think about taking something he'll miss, but instead I go. This is about freedom, my freedom. I can play with Harm's head another time. I've done enough already.

I head back to my hideout. Time for a shower, some food, and some more research. Wonder when Harm will wake up and find out he's alone, and what he'll do about it.

The End

Posted 8/4/01

To the sequel, He Tricked Me

