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He Tricked Me

by Gail (


Harmon Rabb/Clark Palmer, Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer (implied)

Rating: adult

Harmon Rabb explains to Clayton Webb how it is that Clark Palmer got away from him.

Sequel to Got You

Disclaimer: All the characters in this story belong to DPB and CBS, not me.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Notes: Palmer and Rabb have been at odds (to put it mildly) since they met. Webb and Rabb in the show don't always get along that well. This story is more like a scene from an episode that never could and never would be, and yes, a PWP. For some reason this needs to be present tense. I don't understand, but then I'm just the writer. I'm lucky the guys talk to me at all. :-)

Thanks to Alex, who beta'd this when she had no time to spare, and to Page and Tinnean, who both laughed and laughed and laughed, then told me to post it. And to Mareen and Katja, who were there at the beginning, and wonderfully so.


(Rabb's apartment, evening)

"All right, Rabb, I don't get this."

"It's simple, Webb." Rabb gives Webb an annoyed look. "Palmer got away."

"You had him, and he got away." Pause. "I see cuffs here." Both he and Rabb look at the pile of silver on the table. Rabb looks away first. "You forgot how to use them?"

"He's Palmer. He tricked me."

Webb sits down and motions to Rabb to do the same. "All right, tell me the whole story."

Rabb doesn't sit. "There's nothing to tell, Webb."

"He must have done something. You had him when you called me, right?" Rabb doesn't say anything. "Rabb? You dragged me away from a date for this."

"You were on a date?"

"Don't start. Don't. Start."

"All right." Rabb sits, finally. "I had him when I called. He," pause, "tricked me later. If you'd gotten here sooner, it would have been fine."

"Really." Webb glances around the room. "It doesn't look like there was a struggle, although this pile of clothes on the floor is suspicious."

"He tricked me." Rabb isn't giving an inch, although his face is paler now.

"Details, Rabb. You realize that somehow a man who's supposed to be in jail got away while in your custody? You need my help unless you want to go to jail yourself. Talk. If your story's good enough, I'll do what I can." Webb folds his arms and stares.

Rabb gulps a couple of times, then starts talking. "I had him cuffed to the chair." He points to one that's on its side. Webb's eyes go there, then return. "Then he started," pause, "talking. Saying I'd won."

Webb shakes his head. "And you listened, and you liked hearing that, right?" Rabb nods. "All right, more."

"Isn't that enough?"

"He's still in the chair. I don't know how he got out of it."

"I don't want to talk about this with you, Webb. He talked me into letting him go, and then he got away."

"That's the big question, Rabb. How did he talk you into letting him go? I'm not the only one who's going to be asking that one."

"Does anyone else know he was here?"

Webb makes him wait. "No. But people will need to know."

Rabb groans. "No. They can't know."

"If you tell me the truth, and I think it's best that it be kept quiet, I'll keep it quiet. But right now, all I have is that he tricked you."

"He said he'd do what I wanted. I let him go so that he could."

"What did you want, Harm?"

Rabb is thrown by the first name, but recovers. "A blowjob."

Webb nods. "Did you get it?"

Rabb's thrown again. Webb's not shocked. "Yeah."

"He any good?"

"For god's sake, Webb, why the hell do you care?"

"You want my help, you answer the question."

"Yeah. Really good."

"So after you came, he got away?"


"All right, Rabb, what else happened?"


"What did you do?"

"I fucked him."

Long silence. "Congratulations, Harm. Half the Company would like to be in your shoes right now, and probably a hell of a lot of other people."


Webb gives him a close-lipped smile. "Why would you think that, Harm?"

Rabb stares at him. "You've already fucked him, haven't you? Had him suck your cock, too. When the hell did this happen?"

Webb just keeps smiling. "So you fucked Palmer, and then he left while you were," pause, "recovering from the experience."

Rabb finally nods.

"All right, Rabb, I can see that there's no need to tell anyone else about this." He stands. "Next time you get Palmer, if you do, gag him, don't let him loose, and call me. I'll handle it." Pause. "I know more about keeping him in line than you do."



"You want to suck my cock?"

"Grow up, Rabb."

Webb leaves.

The End

Posted 4/6/01

