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That Smile

by Gail (


no pairing, really (I'm sorry!)

Rating: none

Sometimes there's only one thing that will help Palmer get through the day. This is a story about that thing. *g*

Eclipse Daydream #2. Daydream #1 was Pony.

Disclaimer: They're not mine, but they love me. :-)

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Big thanks to Tinnean, who loved this when I sent it to her almost a year ago, and to Scarlet, Elizabeth, Mandy, Beth, Nomi, and Page, all of whom have been staunch friends and true. :-)


He's lying in bed, looking half-dead when the guard shows me into his hospital room, but he turns and glares at me. I smile back.

"Good afternoon, Commander Rabb."

"Palmer, what the hell are you doing here? I asked to see Webb, not you."

"Leave us, please," I tell the guard, who nods and shuts the door. Even then, I don't let myself smile. There will be time for that, and I've been waiting for this. "Mr. Webb isn't available." I can't believe he thought Clay would drop everything and come to him, but that's Rabb for you.

"Call him. Tell him to get over here."

"And why would I do that?" He's chained to the bed, like the criminal he is.

"Because I need him!" He's yelling, and the guard comes to the door, but leaves when I shake my head. I can handle Rabb.

"You shot the president of the United States," I say slowly, enjoying it. "The Secret Service shot you, disarmed you, and took you into custody." And shoved his face into the gravel and stood on his back and didn't listen to him when he whined.

"I didn't shoot him! There was this other guy who shot him! I was just there!"

Of course he's protesting, but he did it. "They have tapes of you firing the gun." I'm getting a copy, too. Beautiful scene. Not that I wish any harm to our president, but he's healing nicely, if the press is telling the truth. Rabb here was hurt worse than the president was.

He's getting paler all the time. "I didn't shoot him. Get Webb. He'll help me. He always does."

"Not this time." I smile at him as I see Clay's frown in my mind. He told me to handle this, didn't give a fuck about Rabb. "But don't worry, Rabb, I plan to be there for your trial. Think they'll execute you, or just lock you away in Leavenworth? Probably Leavenworth. I'll come back and tell you who to talk to. I wonder if Big Sam's still there? I'm sure he'd like you, and he almost always used lube, unless he was too drunk. Or maybe Eddie would be better. Younger, more virile. Hell of a guy. Yeah, I'll get the word to him to take you under his wing."

"You bastard! You set me up! I know you did! It's your fault, Palmer! It's always your fault!"

He's screaming, and I stand just out of his reach and watch as the blood starts coming through the bandages, and he gets whiter and whiter...

"Palmer, for god's sake, I don't want to know what the hell you're thinking to put that smile on your face this time, but stop it."

I blink and smile at Clay. "Sure. Just a daydream, nothing to worry about." Yeah, just a daydream. But a good one.

The End

Posted 2/4/03

