Contents Homepage Biography Favorite Links Friends and Photos Gaming Geneology Ravings Résumé Updates Writing Samples | The Story of MeOn a cold winter's day, December 21st, 1976 to be exact, the fates aligned themselves against the world in general. One woman gave birth to a preemie; a child ill-developed to face the world in general. The child's family raced to get the child baptized, fearing for its life. Thus, my struggle of life began. Ok, a little hokey, but its all true. Moving on.... ![]() Years passed, where the little child spent most of his time playing, eating, and tormenting his older brother Matt. One particular good story is how the child made a tripcord out of a vacuum cleaner cord. Matt fell down the stairs and broke his leg. This occurred when I was only three years old. Devious little child, wasn't I? The child grew to a boy and started attending Concordia Lutheran Grade School. To the boy, this school was hell. Tormented by the others students, the boy turned to reading and writing to pass the time. Read... David started to become a dork... I can admit it and I accept who I am. So shut up! ![]() It was during these years that the most traumatic thing occurred to the boy. At the age of 12, his father died of a heart attack. The boy was heart broken, blocking all memory from his childhood to prevent the loss from touching his heart. This is my cheap therapy section. The boy learned to become a young man quickly, knowing that he would have to do more to help out his family. His mother and brother both needed him now more than ever. He started to push himself harder to succeed. As such, his dream was born. David wanted to write a novel. Yep! Still working on the book too, ten years and still not that far... damn writer's block. Attending Peoria High School, David discovered Speech, Theatre, and Role-Playing Games. He immersed himself in new worlds of books and dreams. Never forgetting his love of the spoken and written word. Read... David became an even bigger dork. Once again, I accept this. During high school, David met his wonderful friends that continue to support him in his dreams, despite the fact that most of them actually got away from Peoria. Bastards. Upon graduating high school, David attended Bradley University. This would be one of David's greatest challenges. He joins the Bradley University Speech Team, gaining numerous national awards in speech. He dabbles in the theatre, performing Shakespeare on the main stage of Bradley. He even started a role-playing game troop. Read... David has become a level 12 dork, with full dork powers! He gained new friends at Bradley (although he never forgot his old friends from Peoria High), joining Theta Chi Fraternity. He dated people from across the country... a LOT of people. Soon, David made the biggest mistake of his life. David got engaged. Thus began my fall from grace. After a year of being engaged... David literally lost his mind. Depression set in from problems he failed to deal with early on as a child. The result was a break up with his fiancee, two years failed of college, and a near loss of life. But I am feeling much better now... :) After two years of extensive help, David learned to deal with his problems. He became a new person. Unafraid to speak his mind and to show his unusual sense of humor. He immersed himself once again in the realms of fiction, role-playing, and speech. He learned to love his life once again, gaining new perspective on life in general. Thanks to his loving family and friends, that is! Yep, I'm a whole new dork! ![]() David turned his grades around, nearly completed his undergraduate degree and started writing once again. He met a new love in his life, Cory, who has been an inspiration to him from their first night together. He is hoping to have a long and wonderful relationship with her, as soon as he can get to Phoenix. Unfortunetly, I hate the heat. So we shall see if I survive after six months... On May 19th, 2001, David MacDonald graduated from Bradley University. He is currently looking for a job, although he has stopped writing for a little while until his life gets straightened out. That's it... simplistic, weird, but true. Make no doubt; I am still a dork with a strange sense of humor. My life has completely turned around and I am happier for it. Grad school and writing calls me now, I plan on following. No, this is not my best writing... but I don't want to give you all my details... just enough to give you a background on these webpages. If you would like to return to the beginning of this biography (You must be a sadist) click here. |