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The RPG Page!   Hello, all. For those of you not familiar with the term, RPG stands for role-playing games. That aside, some of you may be thinking some horrible thoughts, while others no how much fun they can be. I am a fan of RPGs, I could care less what others think they do to people.    I have played many games over the years and have written a few things for them. Currently, I am involved in an Exalted campaign. The following is a list of games that I enjoy. Some of the logos have links to information I have written on the game. The last section is a essay I have written about Role-Playing Games. Ignore it if you would like, I only place it here for the sake of organization and informational dissemination. Heroes UnlimitedStar Wars My essay on RPGs, what they are, what they do, and how they can change your life. It can be found by clicking here. |