Contents Homepage Biography Favorite Links Friends and Photos Gaming Geneology Ravings Résumé Updates Writing Samples | Why Graduate Schooling Is A Pain In The Ass!   So here is my life as it stands now. I am graduating in May of 2001 and I have sent all my apllications to Graduate School in the attempt to further my education. I applied to four schools: Arizona State University, Illinois State University, Indiana University, and University of Texas at Austin.    As of today, April 8, 20001, I have recieved rejection letters from all of them. Quite frankly, I am more than a little concerned. Looking at this nation, I see a lack of instructors and teachers. A complaint that is echoed in many different schools and universities.    Despite this need of caring individuals to teach the next generations, these schools have rejected an applicant that truly desires to help others in the realm of pedagogy. I understand that my G.P.A. is not the best in the world. I would like to hope that people are judged on other things than numbers in this world. Sadly, it seems this is not the case. Comparing my score to someone who has achieved a higher G.P.A., schools choose to pass me by.    It is a sad state of affairs when someone who truly loves the field of rhetorical studies in communication (a field that is growing increasingly important), cannot gain more education than he would like.    So, it looks as if David must seek out a new life. I guess I should start looking for a job for the summer. If you are looking at this page and know of someone looking for a dedicated, intelligent individual that has exorbanent experience in the realm of communication, show them my resume. |