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CoMiNg FrOm ThE CiTy WeRe No PiTtY Is ShOw'N!

Today is:

"Love is not about finding the perfect person but by loving the imperfect Person perfectly..."

There are guys out there who have everything and give you nothing, but yet there are guys out there who have next to nothing but can give you everything.

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identity>:ShHhH It's a secret!!!

sexuality>:100% male

ethnicity>:A little bit of everything

emergence>:Twenty-first of June


location>:All Ova The Bay Area

education>:Does it matter,I know what i need to know

major:Web Design(somewhat),VW Technician and fanantic

warning>:Don't test me unless you'r ready for me!

likes>:intelligent people:Poets:music:Cumbias,Merenge,Salsa,hip-hop,Rap,Alternative,Pop,Jazz,Classical,Ect.. culture:(culture in general):openmindedness:spirituality:down to earth:real people: Ammuse\impress me, and keep me goin'
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Don't ever be affraid to come to me and cry. Don't ever hesitate to look me in the eye. Don't ever be affraid to tell me how you feel. Remember your still my girl and we got to keep it "real"

Dream as if you'll live forever Live as if you'll die tonight"!

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there are many things in life that'll catch ur eye but only a few will catch ur heart
Yo! wHaT EvEr YoU Do, DoN't ClIcK HeRe...

Look at this picture and try to find the woman.Be patient.

click here, 2 look

Yo! Dont Forget to sign ma Guest book aight One..


You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

SiTeS To ChEcK OuT!!!

CaR aUdIo
Vw SiTeS
ThA LyRiCs StOp!