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Today is:
I Have Only Loved Once
It Was A Love Like No Other
Our Emotions Were As Strong As Our Love For Each Other
Didn't Have A Care In The World
Except For Each Other
We Were Happy
Mornings Would Be Like Heaven
Afternoons Would Be Paridise
Nights Were Unimaginable
Until You Got Tire Of Me
My looks, My Ways, My Existance, Me!
She Found Someone Else And Left Me In The Bitter Cold

I Gave Her Every Ounce Of Myself
My Time, My Feelings, Me!

But In The End I'm Alone
Left With Nothing
So You Went To Him And Just Threw Me Away......
You Used To Care, But Now Thats Not There
You Used To Call, But Now Not At All
You Said You'd Be There, But Now I'm Left In Dispair
You Used To Want To Know Me, But Now You Don't Want To Show It
You Used To Want To Love Me, But Now You Don't Want To Know It
I Drank You Away Last Night
With Bacardi And Colt
A Little Jack And Hennessey
From The Bottle To My Throat
Unhappy Ever After Again
A New Ending I Never Wrote
That Seems To Be My Story
My Heart Is Always Broke

.:tellin the truth and makin someone cry is just as bad as tellin a lie and makin someone smile:.


MaH iNfO

member since: tHa dAy i FuCc`N SigN`d Up

Name: MzLaNi..bKa MzShawTShyT

Age: 16

race: 100% fine azz N*ggaRicaN

bOo status: mArRiEd..i LuH u MiZtA rOb

music: HiP hOp..RaP..R&b

interests: KiCciN iT WiT mAh PeePz, sHoPpiN, DaNciN, TeaChiN MaH GoD dAuGhTa hOw Ta bE Li` hA GoD mOmMy:),tAwKiN tA MaH PaPi

WaYz Ta ReAcH mEeH

AiM: LaNi So FiNe


Fo ThA hAtAz...
*SaNgiN*eRrbUtY gEtChO rOlL oN wHa ErRbUtY gEtCHo MuFuCciN rOlL oN

Ay YaLlZ wHaS PoPpiN??iD LiKe Ta tHaNk YaLlZ fO sToPpiN bY MzLaNiZ pAgE.YoU`lL FiNd OuT pUrDy MuCh ErRtHaNg u NeEd Ta kNo BoUt MeEh..So LeMe GeT tO iT..

NaMe: Leilani bka LaNi

RaCe: blacc an puerto rican bka n*ggarican

HeiGhT: 5`3..yea im shawt but oh wellz im styll fyne :)

WeiGhT: u ain needa kno alla dat

HaiR: i gotz curly long brown hair wit blonde streaks..itz almozt to mah azz an YEZ itz all myne :)

LiKeZ: i li fine papis,papis dat are clean papis dat treat a mami righ..alla dat meanz i li` MiZtA rOb,i li` bluz cluz applesauce :) bomb azz ish righ thur

DiZ-LiKeZ: lyin stank azz hoez..*cough* namez mentioned,durty peepz,n*ggaz dat lie an tell u dey luh u den dey go an do sumn dat breakz ya heart, thurz really 2 much fo meeh ta go on bout

ShOuT oUtZ: ok..thurz 2 many uv yall fucca`z ta give errbuty a shout out buh ill try

LaDiEz: special shout out to mah twin nakita..i luh u ma ty fo alwaise bein hea fo meeh if u evah need anythang u kno wur ta go..ty so much, lisa numba 2..damn ma we been thru tha most 2 getha huh?lolz...known u tha longest u mah sissa fa life krazie azz LuH yA,Gabbi o God..krazie azz good lawdy..lolz wha can i say bout u ma...juz dun fucc wit mizz gabbi yallz she`ll tear ya azz up!TaShEeNa aka VirgiN aww mami i thawt i hadju on hea i sorryyyy i LuH ya mamiii,AnNa BaNaNa..sowwy i fogotted u ma..i luh u tank u fo curin bout meeh i appriciate it tank u soooo much ma an again im so sowwy fogive meeh?,KiKi wellz ma..i luh u an i hope shyt wurkz out fa u ma,Naomi..wellz ma i kno righ nah u goin thru sum shyt wit ya boiz..all i can say izz ta do wha u feel izz righ im really nah tha wun ta come 2 tho..look at all mah bull shyt lolz buh juz keep ya head up ma luh ya,Yana..lolz krazie azz..i luh u so damn much ma u ain even kno keep it dat way tho LOL, we defanitly been thru sum shyt..buh itz onlay brawt uz closa an i kno if i evah needa tawk ur alwaise thur an juz kno dat goez both wayz ma luh u an thank u,tasha..we ain tawk dat much no mo`z..buh juz so u kno u styll,in mah eyez,mah big sis i ain kno wusuh buhtween uz buh juz keep in mynd i styll luh u,brandy aka breezy..lolz ma..u a krazie azz mufucca too..errbuty kno itz tru.."koool aid"??lolz yeaa luh ya ma,Nicee damn ma i ain tawked ta u in a minute..i kno u keepin it gangsta wur evah u izz lolz luh ya ma,Flippy i luh u ma u mah krazie non-band-geek :) lolz LuH yU,Jess lolz u krazie 2 ma..y errbuty gota be krazie?oo an keep dem nassy azz carrotz aways from meeh EW,Joyce lol..wellz mami..u tha kraziest bytch das fa sho..buh daz y i luh u..buh u styll ain gettin nun`a mah cookiez ;)

Firz off i`d li ta give mah baby MiZtA rOb a BIG azz shout out..i LuH u sOoO much`n or no wun izz finna change dat..:)
LoSY..aww SO SO SO sorry i fogot`d u!i luh u losy!im so so so so so sorry! :( fagive meeh pleaz..?,Martin..wellz boo we been thru a lot luh u tho u mah boi fa lyfe,Anfony i luh u lil boi..even tho u talla u styll uh youngn :) lolz,reem..tank u..fa keepin dem hataz offa mah azz :) lolz u hella tigh papi an i luh dat bout u,Daren..u mah big bruva tank u fa lookin out fa meeh..buh dun trip on meeh lie dat no mo pleaz..i got skurred,iSrAeL bka issy uT oH`z DA ONE AND ONLY..mizta bossy azz..tellin meeh wha i shud put in mah shoutz..fucca!lol..luh ya ,tarrell..mah name endz wifa i umk??lolz luh u an yez i will drive ta tha atl an find ya azz juz watch, meaNie..u tha sLoest aN meaNest N*gga i evah met..*shakez head* lol nah z`all good tho..styLL Luh ya`z..Darron..u a krazie azz boi buh i luh u fah dat boo lolz an NO i wiLL Neva do no bay watch shyt..yea sheeNa toL meeh..ew,Mar Mar, wellz...we been thru alot buh i juz wan u ta kno u styll mah boi an ima alwaise luh u lie dat,Mike..wellz mizta ain wana tawk ta nobuty..u styll mah big bruva even if we nevah tawk..i styll luh u boo keep dat in mynd,Mizta Lugo bka Patrick..wellz krazie azz itz good dat we tawkin again i luh ya krazienezz..buh keep ya skoota away from mah toez pleaz,jaY jAy ThA jEt pLaNe..i luh u boi buh we ain tawk dat much no moz..wusuh wit dat??,Jason...lolz YEZ u do tawk propah lolz buh i styll luh u,jOn JoN..wellz mizta ill be pimpin it wif u in ya new trucc k??lolz feel bettah boo

WeLlZ i tHaNk DaZ iT..BuH iF i fo GoTcHu i PoLoGiZe..jUz LeMe kNo aN iLl AdD yA

iD LiE tA GiVe a BiG aZz ShOuT oUt Ta AlLa MaH oFf LiNe PeEpZ 2..YaLlZ 2 DeEp So i AiN eVeN FiNa TrY tA nAmE yAlL bUh i LuH yAlLz JuZ tHa SaMe

MzLaNi LuHz MiZtA rOb

U ReacheD MzLaNi`z HotSpot..Dun Fahget Ta Licc Mah G-Spot

LaNi LuhZ rObLaNi LuhZ rObLaNi LuhZ rObLaNi LuhZ rOb

LaNi LuHz rOb

Drink me!

Which drink are you?

I am 61-80% Ghetto

I AM ghetto. And you know this- MAN.

See which Greek Goddess you are.