V value Element stored in a key in the Registry. Each value consists of a name, a data type, and some data.
VBS file File containing a VBScript script, with extension .vbs.
VBScript Language resembling Microsoft's Visual Basic that can be used to add scripts to Web pages or other applications.
VeriSign Widely used certificate authority.
video capture Digitizing video information for use by your computer; for example, a digital video camera can capture video.
view settings Settings that control how folders appear in Folder and Windows Explorer windows.
virtual machine Hardware and software environment that emulates the features of one computer on another computer. The DOS virtual machine within Windows emulates a stand-alone DOS environment well enough to allow most DOS programs to run correctly. Sometimes called a sandbox.
virtual memory System that moves chunks of program and data storage between disk and memory automatically, so that individual programs don't have to do all of their own memory management.
Virtual Private Networking (VPN) Program that allows an authorized computer on the Internet to tunnel through the firewall and connect to a private network.
virus Self-replicating program, frequently with destructive side-effects.
visualization Graphical representation of a sound, displayed by Windows Media Player.
volume Hard disk partition or other form of mass storage.
volume shadow copy Type of backup that includes open files, by including the contents of each open file at the moment that the backup was made. Formerly called a snapshot.
VPN See Virtual Private Networking.
VPN client Computer that uses Point-to-Point Tunneling to connect over the Internet to a VPN server.
VPN connection Network connection that allows your computer to communicate with a private network over the Internet using VPN.
VPN server Computer that supports Point-to-Point Tunneling to allow computers to connect from the Internet using VPN.