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Change your CD-Key

I will show you what to change and from then on you take full responsibility. Check out for more info.

Goto Start then Run then type: regedit. Once inside it works just like Windows Explorer. Browse to: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Half-Life\Settings]
Once here find [in the right pane] a field called: key. Double-click it or right-click and goto Modify.
Now type in your new CD-Key without the dashes -OR- leave it blank. If you leave it blank the next time Half-Life
loads you will be asked to input your CD-Key, do so.

Content-Control PASSWORD

Step 1:Open up REGEDIT by going to START and clicking on RUN. In the box type: regedit And hit OK.

Step 2 Browsing the registry is like browsing your computer w/ Windows Explorer,

except there is one rule here: Don't change what you don't comprehend. Browse to the following position:
Find the key named User Token2, right click on it and goto Modify.
In the box containing what looks to be random numbers and letters [really an md5 hash of your password],
highlight the gibberish and delete it. Do not type in the password you want here, it will not work.
The password is stored as a hash value [which means no decoding] which you must encode first.
I suggest just doing it in HL. Once you have deleted the hash click OK, then exit RegEdit.
Congrats! You have removed content control.

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