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Listerine Clan Branches
Earth Special Forces Jedi Knight:OutCast


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Welcome to the Official -]LiS[- Clan website
-]LiS[- stands for Listerine the story of Listerine is like this
I just started a clan called =]SoS[= i didnt like the name
but i couldnt think of anything else
my first member asked me if i could change the clan tag from =]SoS[=
to LiS because that was the name of his old clan
Than i asked him what does LiS stand for? than someone yelled
out Listerine i kinda liked it because i like things
to be out of the ordinary
Search For me here
My name is -]LiS[-unknown360
STARGATE servers mostly 2010,2011,2020 or other times im on mine its not dedicated
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