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Lady and Lucy's Page


Well here he is, Toby the leader, the boss, Toby is so protective of all his girls if another male dog goes near the girls he will soon let it know that they are his girls, and that he may let it walk with us, but don't mess with him or the girls. Toby is a very friendly dog to the people he knows and also to all the dogs he knows, but if a strange dog was to try and go near any of his girl friends then no matter the size he soon puts it in its place (which is nowhere near them).

When we go to the park not only are our own dogs looking for Toby, more so Tansy my good friends dog. By the time we are halfway round the park we meet up with all our friends, so at times there is a lot of dogs, but they are such good friends with each other, that there is no problem with so many dogs.

Juno is another of the girls, along with Tansy, Lady, Lucy, Tara. Juno loves to meet up with us and sometimes when we take her for a walk she can then play in the water and run about with the other dogs, (sorry Jim) Ha Ha Ha, but what you don't see.

Toby                                         Juno






          The Boss Toby








                    Toby having a rest








               Margaret Anne with Toby


Alan Cameron



Margaret Anne

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Cumbernauld Park


Declaration of Arbroath