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Personally written
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Friendship, My Conception...

I once thought a friend was someone that stood by you not only through the good times but also through the bad times.
One that keeps you standing when things are crumbling, a being not only existing for themselves but for the times when you’ll need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on.
Someone that has your best interest at heart and no matter how far you are apart you’ll always have one vision powered by one heart.


On The

Riding the rails as the sun comes up, blazing my trail as I hasten to work.
The trees seems to flash pass my eyes as the train rumbles by, even though I knew how firmly they lie. Day breaks as the south channel bridge we cross, and believe you me I knew how long this trip would have last.
As we pulled into the station my connecting train pulls up just in time, and then I knew I was early for work, and not behind the unemployment line.


My Valentine...

I always did anticipate Valentine's Day hoping that I'll have someone to share it with; the day would come and go and so to would the hopes I had leaving me to believe this day is just a myth.
The thought never crossed my mind that in September a valentine I'll find, her lips are as soft as the words she spoke and her beauty could only be compared to a rear sun set. Things of such nature make me wonder is this the real world or another myth.
Then when she kissed my lips I knew it was not a myth, and Valentines Day won't be perfect unless it's you I spend it with.

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