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Yexi is a real-time tactical simulator which allows the players to take command of powerful starships in a naval-style combat game set in outer space,

The core engine was designed after much research on astronomy, engineering and astrophysics. The star systems are generated according to a galaxy's actual statistical distribution of matter, and provides the stage for helping the player to acknowledge the vast dimensions of the universe.

The number of planets and star systems is limited only by size of the hard-drive in use, as the stellar objects are generated randomly once the charted territory has been covered. Each sector has a diameter of 65.5 light-years and comprises an average of 15 stars and up to ten planets.

The average ship's radar system can cover a range of magnitude from a quarter of mile up to 2 light-years and the game allows the player to select travel speeds from 1 yard per second to almost 200,000 times the speed of light. It's surely a groundbreaker in terms of space travel simulation.

The game includes a choice of armament, such as plasma pulse guns and self-guided tachyon torpedoes, that provides enough fire power to blow huge enemy starships or even a massive starbase, if you are skilled enough to get past through its defenses!

There are also quests for planetary domination while resolving disputes over resources and territory.

As a player, you can do some obvious tasks, as docking on starbases to refit your vessel and replenish main resources, and other not so obvious, such as orbiting sidereal objects, launching probes to gather the position of a cloaked vessel or being caught in the gravity well of a wormhole and wind up being sling-shot hundreds of light-years from home.

One of the unique features of this game is the use of the teletranporter to beam down away teams to seize planets, to rescue escape pods (yes, your crew abandons ship depending on the level of the life support system), and to transfer torpedoes, fuel, and cargo between vessels, planets, and starbases.

Issue orders to your crew, request reports, or take direct control of the bridge stations. In the multiplayer mode, team up with your friends to save the fate of the galaxy in six unique scenarios.

Set course to explore uncharted territory and engage in dramatic combat action with all sort of ships possessing different firepower and maneuverability. You will be required decisive judgement and skillful maneuvering to accomplish your mission.

"Helm, thataway! Engage."





Steve Castellano

SFX / Masterization:

Alex Guerra



Justin Baldock and Robyn Beveridge
kindly provided by


Carlos Camacho
kindly provided by


Copy proof and style:

Corey Tamás

Multiplayer testing:

Keith Singleton

Everything else:






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