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Updated 2003/03/05

Yexi is a real-time naval-style combat simulator reminiscent of the best submarine warfare games to date, but this time the scenario is set in outer space.

As the captain of a powerful starship, you will be required to lead your armada against a horde of enemy vessels in a series of peace-keeping missions throughout the galaxy, and to participate in multiplayer matches in a fierce dispute for total domination and ultimate 'ownage'.


Warning: do not link direcly to the screenshot files. The links will change periodically and they will be broken. If you need to use the screeshots in your web-site, make a copy of the files and host them in your server. Thanks.


ASTROCHARTS: find your position in the sector, search for stars, planets, space stations and nav buoys. Set autopilot coordinates and pattern, and engage the hyperjump drive.


ASTROGATION: this is your piloting station. Scan for stars, planets, or other vessels, set the speed, adjust the ship's attitude, and engage the autopilot, or pilot the ship yourself.


COMM | RADIO: review mission orders, request persmission to dock to space stations, send and receive distress signals.


ENGINEERING: this is the core of your ship. Redirect the reactor's energy to the several systems of the ship to boost performance. Prioritize repairs to damaged sections and tap on emergency power if necessary.


SCIENCE: scan particular objects or areas and launch probes. Access the onboard library and input your own entries on newly discovered objects, alien races, ships and so on.


SITUATION AWARENESS: devise your strategy as you see the action unfolds and communicate your orders to your crew. Watch the movement and status of all ships within sensor range and decide the course of action for your fleet.

[ saw.jpg | saw02.jpg | saw04.jpg ]


TACTICAL: arm and target weapons, activate and configure defensive systems, remodulate shields and weapons frequencies, assess damage levels, aim and fire.


TRANPORTER: move your crew, ordnance, cargo and guests between ships and stations when their shields are down and they are within tranport range.


*These images reflect the current state of the development and are being constantly upgraded. All names and graphics are subject to change.





Miscelaneous | Interface





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© F. C. Covett, 2002. All rights reserved.