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{Benji}          {Billy}          {Joel}           {Paul}           {Interviews}         {Quotes}        {Twin Love}

And here they are doing a radio interview, hehe they always look so happy! Love the hair Joel!
 Here they are doing another interview, hehe they get their own microphones.....wicked! This picture looks pretty old, I can't read what it says on Benji's arm, any suggestions?! 
 This ones well kool, Benji's hair looks well wicked, this is one of my fav pics hehe.  This is one of my Favs also, Benji's hair rocks! They look so cute hehe.
 I like this picture because it sort of represents how the guys stick together through lots of hard times.  This pictures cute cos they look like there r arguing ( or rather Joel's telling Benji off)....awwwwwww brotherly love
Here they are doing some signing, they always look extra kool signing heyhey! Hehe, they look they're having fun don't they!!
Here they are looking like very nice skater boys....oops sorry 'sk8er bois' :p Love the hair Benji, mighty fine Bo! ayeeee, Joel's cap looks very sexy at that angle...just thort id mention that haha

They look almost identical in the old pics! Funny venue tho, look at the little card with the girl on behind them...magic

I only have one thing to say about this