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  {Benji}          {Billy}          {Joel}           {Paul}           {Interviews}         {Quotes}        {Twin Love}

 Most ppl who know me, will tell you I have a bit of an obsession with quotes. I am keeping a book of all my favourite quotes, I have hundreds. From songs, books, films or just random and I love them all :P Hey ill put a link at the bottom so you can view my fav quotes if you would fun! O and if your know any quotes you don't see here, email me them and u can have credit, how much credit do you want?

Here are some GC quotes, I have to admit I nicked these from the young and hopeless website so I give them full credit and heres their

All Things Rock Quotes



Keep representin' GC 'cause you know we're representin' you." - Benji


"They symbolize that I can do what I want. They ensure that I will never work a regular job." - Benji (on his tatoos and piercings)


"Hey, guys, I have some bad news for you. We were backing out of the parking lot and I think we ran over Lil Bow Wow. Sorry, our bad!" - Benji

"You know who else likes making out? Sum 41. I know from first-hand experience... Or, my friend does..." - Benji


Interviewer: Would you ever consider turning in your instruments to learn choreography and become a boy band?
Benji: Umm... after you shot me in the head.


"My ass smells like Joel." - Benji

"This is Joel at the mall... 'Hey girl, who you with? You ever heard that song 'Little Things'? Yo, that's about me, girl... Awww yeah...'" - Benji


"I fell off the stage and all my clothes fell off! And I wet my pants... but they fell off, so I couldn't wet them, so it must have been the kid standing next me." - Benji


"Joel, your gloves SUCK!" - Benji


"I'm gonna go... walk... into traffic." - Benji


"This is the makeout song. Although you should ask the person first, 'cause I've had some troubles with that before." - Benji (during Seasons)


"Look! There's JOEL! There's... the other one!" - Benji


"What's my official statement? My official statement is... that I've been wearing the same underwear for the the past four days!" - Benji


"When we fight, it's not about things you think we'd fight about, like music. It's about like, I'll wear Joel's socks and he'll be like, 'Dude... dude... I told you not to wear my socks, dude... You know I like my socks... Benji... Dude, oh are those my boxers, too? Dude ooh.. Ohh do you have to go there? Dude... dude!' And then we're, like, in the studio in this really important part of the song and I'll be like 'What do you think we should do?''I don't care.. are those my boxers? DUDE!" - Benji (on fighting with Joel)

"I always got caught. One time, I actually got spanked for something Joel did." - Benji


"We were put together by the label. We had to try out in a gymnasium. No, I'm just kidding. That's how the Backstreet Boys got together!" - Benji (about how GC was formed)


"I like to rip tags off mattresses." - Benji


"Yea, of course, the boxers are yummy and it's the bacon that gets the girls. No, wait! It's the other way around!" - Benji


"Punk rockers have feelings, too!" - Benji

"You know, I just like to keep it all in the family." - Benji (after being accused of realtions with Joel)



"There will be no ass signing tonight; I'm sorry for the inconvience." - Billy


"I'm scared of cops." - Billy


"I would be Ken so I could be getting up on Barbie all day." - Billy


"Benji likes to match his hair with his underwear and we caught him in a pink thong once. We videotaped it." - Billy


"Benji always claims to be an insomniac, but I swear as soon as we go on the van, he's, like, dead asleep." - Billy


"And now, I'm going to go to the bathroom. And no, you can't follow me in there!" - Billy


"I'm not famous, you're just all crazy." - Billy


"Before I started playing music I was really into art. I've been drawing since I was very young and if I weren't in a band I'd probably be an animator or a comic book artist." - Billy


"I don't dislike too many things except for snakes! I don't have much of a tolerance for really fake people either. Another thing I hate is when St. Paul touches my... Never mind, I'm actually pretty content with everything." - Billy


"Ooh, that's some good shit, I mean, stuff..." - Billy


"The first concert I went to was New Kids On the Block, but don't tell the other guys because I'll get my butt kicked!"


"and your teeth are clenched together and you're like, 'It's cool, man. I'm fine.'" - Joel (on getting painful tatoos)

"I love all women!" - Joel

"Ohhh, the scalp massage. It's good. It's a good five minutes on the crown area. It's great." - Joel

"I got kicked out of class so much and it wasn't fair because I was just talking. In class, if there was a pretty girl, I would just try to talk [to her] all the time. I like to talk, especially to girls. And I got kicked out of class all the time. The teacher would be like 'All right, stop,' and I'd be like 'Okay,' and keep talking. Then I'd try to impress her and it wouldn't really work. I'd get kicked out for trying to be funny, like they'd call me up to read and I'd read the wrong thing. I didn't take high school very seriously." - Joel

"Benji's the evil twin." - Joel

"One time I wanted to ask this girl to a dance, it was homecoming or something. I was too nervous because I get a little shy sometimes. Benj is definitely outspoken and I was like 'Call her and say you're me,' 'cause we sound alike. He called and asked her to the dance for me. She said no [laughs] ." - Joel

"We're just like Ying and Yang, me and him, like night and day sometimes." - Joel (on Benji)

"If I were in that pit, I'd be making out with every one of you. " - Joel

"This is a really intimate gathering... (pause, something flys up on stage) ...So intimate in fact, that someone just threw their bra up on stage!" - Joel

"So I wanna see all of you making out during this song." - Joel

Fan: Dude, your brother's an ass.
Joel: Hey, if you're going to diss my brother then I'm out of here... [leaves]

"I gotta go brush my teeth!" - Joel

"We got Paul over here sportin' the Ravens. And we got Billy over here rockin' 'Nightmare Before Christmas.'" - Joel

"I would have sex with Britney and make out with Christina, 'cause you know she's gonna have drama the next day." - Joel

"That's because there is no beer or ladies waiting!" - Joel

"The shit really hit the fan!" - Joel

"We really brought down the house tonight!" - Joel

"I'm feeling this crowd so much, I think I'm going to stand in it." - Joel

"How erotic." - Joel

"I don't want to see anyone leaving single tonight. I want everyone to leave impregnated." - Joel

"We represent Waldorf... Well, I know Charlotte Hall... Trinity Church Road... Yeah we love Waldorf..." - Joel

"Paul is 21. He's growing up." - Joel

"You just witnessed... Did you hear when he was talking? He talks over everyone. Your guys' little egos would be bumping like bumper cars, talking over each other all the time." - Joel (talking about Graeme and Benji)

"A girl bit me once, she walked up and bit me! And for the record, I hated it. And one girl licked me." - Joel

"We're a hair band now." - Joel

"Benji had definitely been called a freak. I mean, I've been called a freak, too, but he's definitely more freaker than I am." - Joel

"Go back to the circus, FREAK!!" - Joel

"Benji thinks fate will one day bring him and Britney Spears together... He seriously does!" - Joel

"Let me finish singing this song about how poor I was, and then I'll get back to you!" - Joel

"Music is supposed to be an escape. It's supposed to be somewhere you go, where you can be yourself, or be whatever you want to be." - Joel

"You just cursed on the radio!" - Joel

"He put Bengay on my nuts!" - Joel

"People think that I'm a really outgoing person because of how I am on stage. But I'm not. I'm really shy." - Joel

"Yes, I am pimpin' this coat, thank you very much." - Joel

"I was in Menudo." - Joel

"I would never sign to a label called Death Row." - Joel

"He's like a little brother to us all. We like to pick on him, all of us, you know, like brothers do." - Joel (on Billy)

"In 10th grade, I kissed your girlfriend. But don't worry, I didn't like it. She used too much tongue." - Joel

"Now you have something for all your hamsters to play with!" - Joel (in response to the stuffed hamster we gave Billy)

"That's 'skater' with an 8 and 'boy' with an i! Like totally!" - Joel

"They think I'm funny, Mom!" - Joel

"Is that you, Santa?" - Joel

Girl: Joel! Take your shirt off!
Joel: You take off yours!

"G to the mother fuckin C!" - Joel

"I dated an Amish girl once. Esther, if you're out there...I love you."

"Hold up, we were just singing this song about how poor we were when his cell phone rings!" - Joel

"We are saying some deep things, but we still wanna keep 'em to where you don't get depressed." - Joel

"Benji sucks!" - Joel

JT: (after receiving Made sticker)Is this you?
Joel: Yeah.
JT: Are you a gangster band?
Joel: No, not exactly, but I'm a gangster!

"Every other guy I know had his first kiss when he was 12." - Joel

"This is a little awkward, isn't it?" - Joel

"We vandalize things!" - Joel

"Well, I got all the heys!" - Joel

"Hey, these gloves were two dollars!" - Joel

"These are...nice socks..." - Joel (while at Wet Seal)

"And then there was this, there was this one time that we ran around and knocked on everyone's door then ran" - Joel

"I didn't get lessons of any kind, I slept through school." - Joel

You know, this is a good opportunity to make out with a security guard. They're not all assholes, they're actually pretty nice." - Joel

"I wanna make out with every single person in this room... You..and you...and you over there..." - Joel

"You can only start a boy band if you kill one of the other ones already out there." - Joel

"15-year-olds singing about asses. Doesn't get any better than that." - Joel

"This song is for the girls in [insert your town here], because they mess with your head." - Joel

"Good Charlotte is anger management teen angst." - Joel

"This one's for all you emo and skater kids, we know you're sensitive." - Joel (on 'Motivation Proclamation')

"You can call him Benjamin... That's what Mama calls him." - Joel

"It's by ourself and it's titled by us." - Joel

"Look what you did, you just made me say 'badass buffalo' five times." - Joel

"Walking all along the...grass, you told me...ah y'all I forgot the words..." - Joel (during Seasons)

"Yeah I hurt my finger, does anyone have a Band-Aid?" - Joel

"You were the one who gave me those boxers? I wondered where they came from, I wear those! Although, I'm not a big fan of flannel, it gets a little hot down there, if you know what I mean..." - Joel

"Okay, now, who stole my wallet?" - Joel

"Waldorf is a helluva town!" - Joel

"Yeah yeah, that was a traumatic experience, he's so awful, god awful. Especially that solo thing he did. He needs to be burned alive!" - Joel, on meeting Nick Carter

"Thank you, Blanket." - Joel (on Ian from NFG)

"We have to eat at truck stops almost every time, we got food poisoning and couldn't eat for a week!"

"Between me and my brother, I've definitely got the better music taste....I listen to the classics like Sinatra....Benji's a fan of street punk. I can't even tell what they're saying."

"You get really used to living out of the bag and to meeting new people everyday and being in new situations, new surroundings everyday...we're so lucky to be able to do this and be on the road and play everyday and meet new people."

"Although I hate to admit it, the first album I bought was Paula Abdul's "Forever Your Girl" when I was in fifth grade because I had a crush on her.

"We're really honest with each other and we talk a lot about things. We all fight about small things sometimes but nothing major. We love touring together. I wouldn't change it at all, I like the way things are."


"Billy drives like an old grandma." - Paul


"Are you sure you don't want Joel's autograph instead?" - Paul


"Don't get it wrong, we all hate their dad." - Paul


"People always ask me for a "Paul Hug"... What the HECK is that?" - P aul


Interviewer: If you couldn't be in a band, what would you do?
Paul: I'd be a farmer.


Paul: St. Paul is not gay! He's very, very straight."
Guy: Okay, buddy, whatever you want to believe.
Paul: You're really starting to hurt my feelings.


"I dropped an anvil on Benji." -Paul


"He's a, um, a pit bull?" - Paul (about Cash)


"I went from band member to extra like that. Story of my life." - Paul


Random Girl: Paul come over here, I want some lovin'!
Paul: You want some lovin'? What am I, Your Whore?!