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 Hey guys, its me again...yey! Just wanted to tell you how to get in touch with moi, that's if you want to (cos im pretty mad but shhhhhhh) There are a few ways to get in touch with me, actually there's only three (sorry) 

1. Email me-

2. Add me to msn, using the addy above if you wanna chat directly, I may be busy but trust me I love to talk and im always up for a chat! Im always there for anyone if you just need someone to listen, It doesn't matter who you are ;)

3. Sign my guest book below, no one ever signs my guest books...*shrugs* don't know why?!

Now ppl I don't mind you emailing me with constructive criticism or if I have one of your pictures by mistake and you want me to credit it to you, but please DON'T email me saying shite like "You page sucks ass" or "I hate you" its not worth the mega bites its sent with!

Here's a little guest book to sign just to say hi if you can't be arsed to email me, you could leave the addy of ure site, please tell me if you want me to link you, but you have to link me also, fair is fair!


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