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  I got my first hate mail today. I mean I had wanted them so I could post them up here, but when I got this one I felt a bit sad really. I have worked hard on this site (not that it shows) and I didn't realize it came across as if I was a teeny bopper...sorry if it does but the slang/ spellings and contradictions are all personal fault! Anyway I said I would appose any willing enemies so I'm going to. All my other revenges were just random ppl picked off a 'rateitall' site and what they said was all about GC, my email however is a bit more personal than that....

  6.StacEE said:

Dont worry... you'll grow out of this pathetic "I love good charlotte" phase, we've all been there... however, i'd like to point out a few contradictions youve made.


"sterotyping bands is cruel and unfair"
I cant help but notice that all the way through your "revenge page" youve classified your pathetic corporate shit band as Punk... correct me if i'm wrong, but  isn't this *gasp* oh it couldn't be... stereotyping could it?


"I don't give a shite what other ppl think, about me, my GC obsession or GC themselves."
For somebody who dosent give a "shite" about what other people think about good charlotte, you seem to be doing an awful lot of slagging people who DONT like them, people with at least three brain cells, who have alternative taste in music. Oh how i'd love to lock you in a room and play you Silverchair or Queen adreena and watch you cringe in your pretty little stripey socks.


" Im gonna buy a tonne of bubble gum, stick it in my gob, chew it all up, blow a massive bubble and burst it in their face so it gets stuck allllllll over them and doesn't come off for weeks"

Wow... i find it so hard to believe that your sixteen... my six year old sister acts

I also find it highly amusing that you classify yourself and your taste in music as "punk/rock"


"Fav bands: Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Red Hot chili peppers, Feeder, Foo fighters, Busted, Travis, idelwild, Coldplay, Avril lavigne, Pink, Inme, Blue, Westlife, Donna Summer, 5ive "
Not one of those bands above are punk... not even slightly. May I point out that 60% of these bands are pop music, 10% is indie, 10% is grunge and 20% are just plain bollocks. I find it hilarious, that you like avril lavigne, where good charlotte blaitantly take the piss out of her in theyre "girls and boys" video. She is in the same "stereotypical category" as Good charlotte, and they make fun of HER? Personally, even SHE has more talent than good charlotte.


Band classification/stereotyping happens sweetie... remove your head from Benji's anus and take a look around.


Just as you find puppy farms cruel i find forcing your friends to like good charlotte is like crushing someones penis in a car door several times "20 Ways to force your mates to love Good Charlotte" This reinforces my comment about you "not caring" about what people think of good charlotte. Leave sensible people alone, dont inflict your sad immature ways apon them, in fact - i'd rather you shove a snooker cue up my anus, and i'm sure i'm not alone.


I think i'll make this my last point... before I leave your "punk rawk" webpage, devoted to perhaps the biggest group of ass lickers in the universe. People will respect you a damn site more if you learn how to spell. "megabite" is spelt megabYte, notice the presence of the Y? Also "ppl" has more than three letters. PEOPLE. Then again, maybe it would be wise to begin with "allllll" Dont over do it... it has two L's. And "thort" is THOUGHT.


Right... have fun dissecting this email and i'll wait in anticipation to "face your wrath" im sure i'll survive.


lots of love, and good luck on out growing this sad situation you have got stuck in... mind you, sixteen is a bit past it for seeing the light. Some people just can't be helped. *sarcastic smile*


goodbye, Stacee.



Well, I have to admit your clever, but very sad. How old are you? and How long did it take you to think and write all that up? You might as well have written a book on how to hate ppl you've never even met before.

You mention that 'we've all been there' your not telling me you too were a Good Charlotte fan? *gasp* when good fans turn bad...why not write us a mini story on that huh?

If you would care to re-read my revenge page I haven't classed GC as punk I have stated the word 'punk' several times but never pointing out that Good Charlotte are punk but pointing out they have been labeled that way.

I clearly stated that I don't care about what ppl 'think' about GC not what they openly 'say' about them, that especially includes ppl who email me to tell me how shit they are. I believe in alot of things, I like to stand up for these things  therefore Im not going to sit back and let ppl insult them. 

Feel free to lock me in a room with sliverchair or any other 'alternative' music you like, I find it laughable that you've labeled me as a 'teeny bopper', I happen to love those stripy socks, they keep my legs warm, I can't help it if im a cold person!

Im 16 for god's sake! Why do I have to be so mature? Life is short and im not about to grow up so quick that I have no childhood left. O and for the benefit of brain dead ppl like you I wasn't going to carry out my revenges, they were a 'j....o....k....e' a bit of fun, to laugh at?! Remember that laugh?! Ok, so maybe not, don't worry, im sure you'll find other ways to express any happiness you ever have. Your six year old sister must be a dead beat then.

You got your calculator out and worked out the percentages of my music taste?! Now THAT'S sad. I'm sorry you class the things I like in that way, I don't really no what 'grunge' is, sounds like something that comes out of your bottom,  anyway everyone have different ways of classifying music and all your proving there is that mine and yours are different.

You can actually like two ppl that hate each other, and the hatred between Avril and GC doesn't bother me. It's people like you who put them in the same 'stereotypical category' when their music is obviously completely different. 

Yeah stereotypes happen, but that doesn't mean I have to accept it, or agree with it, its a free country. O and please stop calling me 'sweetie' where I come from that means you like the person your talking to, your actually beginning to make me feel sick, so please stop.

'Annoy ppl' was also again a bit of fun, I wouldn't actually carry out those things on my mates, Im not cruel but you obviously are. The comment about the puppy farms really did offend me. They are something I feel very strongly about, and its pathetic to mention them in such a petty and unimportant argument such as this.

Please can you stop making references to your own disgusting fantasies, they are frankly sad and disturbing and we don't want to hear about them, shoving things up your anus IS dangerous- your not alone, because you have so many objects stuck up your arse hole.

I would like to point out that my spelling isn't that good, but the mistakes you have pointed out aren't spelling mistakes but abbreviations and slang. Im sorry you don't understand my slang and can't read it, its a shame that your living in the 1900s but hay what can you do *sarcastic smile* 

When I first bought 'The young and the hopeless' out of interest more than anything else I didn't realize that so many ppl had a problem with them. why exactly is that? Is it because it's not the type of music you like? Or is it because some 'teeny boppers' happen to like them? That shouldn't matter though because when their music goes out of fashion the ppl who really love it will keep their WebPages, which sad ppl love to slag off.

And so what if none of my music is 'punk' and who cares is GC is corporate 'crap'. Im listening to it, and I believe in it and to me that's real. Im sorry that your a miserable crow who has time to sit around emailing hateful messages but I say life's for living and it would take a major part of that life to decided what 'punk' is, im not willing to give that up, you obviously already have.

   Btw....Stacee is spelt StacY see the emphasis on Y! If you don't like GC why on earth did you look at my site or do you search for and look at web pages about topics you dislike?! Is that normal?!

Lots of Love Samantha Louise Barlow xxx

Needless to say this person later apologized for her email.