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For me, the music is the most important thing in a good band, and not their appearance or image. Yeah a good image or attractive looks can help boost your career but if there's no feeling or emotion in your music, your nothing. I've always though of playing music and writing it as an art form, one which is closely related to poetry.

I love music (as you may have guessed by now) its sort of an escape for me, a way of coping with everyday life and expressing your emotions easily. I find it easy to relate to the music I love and listen to, if I cant relate to it e.g. Cheeky girls then I don't listen to it, it doesn't mean that the music I don't listen to is rubbish, just that it isn't my cup of tea.

The Type of Music

When I listen to Good Charlotte I can hear different types of music which have influenced each song but I think its pretty obvious that GC are a punk/rock band. I have listened to rock for a while now as well as pop and indie but I had never listened to punk really before, GC now have me hooked on it :p