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Everyday Magick Practical use of herbs, art, nature, candles and creativity to bring magick into everyday life.



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For reading every day

Here you will find books for fun, inspiration and learning. They are my picks but I would love to hear your thoughts on them and also some you might recommend and I will post your comments.
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Featured Selections:  

A Short History of Nearly Everything: by Bill Bryson A Short History of Nearly Everything:
by Bill Bryson
This is a book about everything scientific only written in a way that is not too technical and can be understood by non-scientists. It might actually spark some interest in learning more details about everything from evolution, what goes on inside cells and atoms, earthquakes to Einstein's theory of relativity.

Wicked: by Gregory Macguire Wicked:
by Gregory Macguire:


I have read this about halfway through and so far am enjoying every bit of it.  Reading about little Elphaba (Oz's Wicked Witch of the West) and her start in life adds a new perspective to the nasty green-skinned witch we thought we knew. It contains things we are all familiar with today; prejudice, environmental issues, politics, love affairs and lots of fantasy.  I am anxious to finish this delightful book and would love to hear what others think.

The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: by Leonard Shlain The Alphabet Versus the Goddess:
by Leoonard Schlain

Shlain writes about the evolution of the right brain and left brain and how cultures and societies have been effected in ways most people never thought of.  He talks about the impact of the printing press on the development of the left brain and the decline of the Goddess entity in most religions.  This is a fascinating book that you will want to take time with.



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