The phases of the moon are caused by the relative positions of the earth, sun, and moon. The moon goes around the earth, on average, in 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes.
The moon affects many aspects of nature on earth. These effects occur in fish, shellfish, insects, mammals (including humans), and plants. Shellfish renew their shells, undergo regeneration and sexual activity in accordance with the lunar tidal cycle. Animal metabolosm, physical activity, aggression and sexual behavior are dramatically increased in many species at the new and full moon phases. Predators like the wolf are active at the full moon phase when prey is more visible at night.
With proper timing, knowledge and a lunar phase calendar we can learn to live in harmony with these cosmic forces and with our natural environment.
Moon Signs:
The moon changes it's astrological position about every three days. The sign the moon is in reflects the influences that may affect us during that time. The characteristics of that sign can help us to know when best to use those traits in our own lives.
Aries Moon
Headstrong, Willful, Hot-Tempered, Brave, Energetic
The Aries Moon (fire) gives us passion to our emotions, instant reactions, bravery in the face of any adversary! This energy is yours so start anew.
Taurus Moon
Relaxed, Practical, Sensual, Patient, Stubborn
The Taurus Moon (earth) gets us settled into what is practical. Make efforts for comfort and security. Surround yourself with music and relaxing pleasures. Your feelings are planted firmly. But don't rile the bull!
Gemini Moon
Friendly, Witty, Aware, Rational, Flighty
The Gemini Moon (air) gives our heart wings and as a messenger of good news sends us out to the world. Visits with friends, community interest and an "OK" to change your mind are all yours now.
Cancer Moon
Nurturing, Emotional, Sensitive, Imaginitive, Sentimental
The Cancer Moon (water) brings up memories of childhood, motherly nurturing and tender touches. Our hearts ebb in a sea of ancient imagery.... try not to be crabby!
Leo Moon
Playful, Bold, Dramatic, Managerial, Organized
The Leo Moon (fire) sets our hearts ablaze with drama and playfulness. Take joy in your family and work responsibilities, and make that flashy fashion statement you have been considering.
Virgo Moon
Practical, Hard-working, Pure, Meticulous, Helpful
The Virgo Moon (earth) brings awareness of details and how we can help and serve others. Enjoy healthy foods, wholesome activities and a clean environment. Time to be real.
Libra Moon
Charming, Attractive, Luxurious, Fair-Minded, Loving
The Libra Moon (air) gives us a sense for beauty and romance. These things are everywhere just waiting to be incorporated into our lives. Art and music call to our senses. Well thought-out decisions benefit all.
Scorpio Moon
Passionate, Intense, Magnetic, Sexual, Powerful
The Scorpio Moon (water) gets us churning with passion and desire. We also attract those very sensual things we desire. Be careful with your temper. Love deeply but take care of yourself.
Sagitarius Moon
Honest, Straight-forward, Energetic, Optimistic, Wise
The Sagittarius Moon (fire) sends us straight as an arrow to the heart of the matter. It is time to speak honeslty and to the point. Trust is strong, small talk is out, and the big picture takes shape in our minds. Make the big plans!
Capricorn Moon
Ambitious, Serious, Determined, Practical, Capricious
The Capricorn Moon (earth) sets us straight up the mountain-side toward our highest goals. Dig in those hooves and get climbing! Reputation, success, or anything else you would like to tackle is possible now. Love is also serious.
Aquarius Moon
Rebellious, Wild, Rational, Friendly, Unpredictable
The Aquarius Moon (air) gives us an ingenious flair that can take off into uncharted territory. A scientific Mind with a rebellious streak! Get ready for wild things to happen! You never know who you may meet, or what cause you might get involved in. Be Careful...
Pisces Moon
Sensitive, Imaginative, Psychic, Empathetic, Creative
The Pisces Moon (water) feels everyone's woes with a kind and sensitive heart. Give to others, share your vast dreams, create from your deep imagination. Don't let your wandering heart get lost!
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