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Comfrey symphytum officinale
Practical use of comfrey for healing, magick, cooking

comfrey The history of comfrey dates back to the sixteenth century with a wide variety of uses from general over all healing to bone knitting, wounds and gangrene. It has commonly been used in magick especially for protection during travel. It has been said that a comfrey leaf in your suitcase will prevent it's loss or theft!

The chemical constituent allantoin found in comfrey is responsible for comfrey's success in healing tissue by growing new cells. Although Comfrey has had a history of huge healing success there are currently some controversies concerning this herb. Researchers claim that comfrey may contain varying amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can cause damage to the liver if taken internally. With this in mind I will only be sharing comfrey's external uses.

The leaf and root of comfrey have such an ability to rejuvenate human cells and knit cells (even bone)together that it has often been named "boneknit". Comfrey is an herb that, throughout the ages, has been used effectively for problems with damaged ligaments, blood vessels, bones and muscles.

Comfrey leaves steeped in boiled water for 20 minutes and drained, is very healing as a compress over cuts, scrapes, canker sores, styes, sprains, sore muscles, etc. A handful of Comfrey leaves, fresh or dried, tied into a muslin bag and floated in the bathwater is soothing as well as rejuvenating.

But BE CAREFUL: Because Comfrey tends to knit a wound together so quickly, do not use it on a wound that is so deep that healing the top surface will prevent the under layers from healing properly. Also do not use Comfrey unless you are ABSOLUTELY  CERTAIN that the wound is sterile, with no infection whatsoever. You do not want Comfrey to heal the surface of the wound over an existing infection or dirt.

Comfrey Aloe Sunburn Spray: Bring 1 cup water to a boil. Remove from heat and add about 1/4 oz. dried comfrey leaf. Let stand about 10 minutes. Strain. Add the comfrey tea to aloe gel until it is thin enough to spray with a sprayer.

This is marvelously refreshing after a day in the sun and very healing.

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