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Everyday Magick Practical use of herbs, art, candles, nature and creativity to bring magick into everyday life.




Try Mountain Rose's apricot kernel meal, sea salt and Dead Sea salt

Where to get Betonite Clay

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Natural Foot Care

Summertime feet want to be OUT in the sand, in the water, in the sun and always barefoot
or in sandals. This time of foot freedom is when we need to take extra care of our feet
to keep them feeling and looking great.

summertime feet Take Care of Your Feet!

It's easy to forget about our faithful feet as they carry us throughout our day, assist us in our summer sports and trudge through the worst places. They usually let us know when we overdo it, but the dirt and bacteria our feet have picked up takes it's toll also.

Foot Scrub:  Exfoliating dead skin from your feet is one of the best things you can do to keep feet soft and pretty in the summer or to repair feet that have been abused all summer. Anything that scrubs will work. A coarse wash cloth, a scrub brush, a pumice stone all help but I like to get help from other ingredients. These are all great for scrubbing the feet:

  • sugar
  • sea salt
  • apricot kernel meal

  • Just mix a little oil (olive, almond, basically any oil you like) with your scrub ingredient and rub into your feet. Rinse and pat dry. The oil makes your feet a little slippery so
    be careful! This would be a good time to put on some cotton socks until the oil soaks in.
    And while you are scrubbing, scrub those flip flops and sandals! The dirt they collect only gets worse day after day and makes your feet dry and dirty all over again.

    Betonite Clay Foot Pack This clay is one of the most effective and powerful healing clays. When water is added to bentonite the electrical and molecular components of the clay change and produce an "electrical charge". This charge gives it the ability to absorb toxins, impurities, heavy metals and other internal contaminants.
    This effect can be very helpful in getting your abused feet back on track. Simply add one part clay to three parts water or until you reach desired consistency, mix thoroughly to an even paste and apply to feet. Leave on for 5 or 6 minutes and rinse. Follow with your favorite foot lotion. It's like a facial for your feet!  


    Time to get busy!


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