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Click here for superior quality supplies & ingredients for lip balm:


Sweet almond oil

Vit. E oil

Cocoa butter


Essential Oils


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Grating the beeswax makes it easier to measure.  Just press it into the teaspoon.



Warming the honey first makes it alot easier to measure  




This is what the lip balm looks like when it is completely mixed

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Lip Balm  
You'll feel like a wizard after you've made these wonderful lip balm recipes. They are simple to make, contain all natural ingredient, and are so soothing on the lips.

Honey Lip Balm Recipe:

7-8 tsp. sweet almond oil
2 tsp. beeswax
Vitamin E capsule
1 tsp. honey
5 drops essential oil
Here are some oils worth trying:
     Peppermint:  Clears the head; delightful
     Vanilla:  A little spendy but delicious
     Tea Tree:  Menthol scent; for cold sores
     Clary Sage:  Soothing to the skin; calming
     Lavender:  Wonderful fragrance; balancing
     Bergamot: Good for skin; cheering & uplifting

3 Small containers

1. Melt oil and beeswax in the microwave for
1-2 minutes.
2. Remove the mixture from the microwave. Pierce the vitamin E capsule and whisk the contents of the capsule, honey, and flavoring into the mixture with a fork until the honey is completely mixed.   This is important or the honey will separate when it has cooled.
3. Pour or spoon (depending on how much it has cooled before completely blended) the mixture into containers and presto! you have lip balm.

This recipe will fill about 3 1/4 oz. containers.

This is so easy and you will feel so clever when you're done.  So admire your lovely little pots of lip balm that you created yourself.  


Chocolate Lip Balm Recipe

3 tsp. cocoa butter
3-4 chocolate chips
1\4 tsp. sweet almond oil
1 Vitamin E capsule
Small container with lid

1. Melt the cocoa butter, chocolate chips,
and oil in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.
2. Remove the mixture from the microwave. Pierce the vitamin E capsule and whisk with a fork the contents of the capsule into the mixture.  Keep whisking until it is almost set.
3 Pour the finished lip balm into the small containers.

This recipe makes 2 1/4 oz. containers of lip balm.

*This recipe hardens more than the honey lip balm but melts very easily.  If you have left it in a warm place (like the car) DON'T OPEN IT!  Wait until you can put it in the fridge for a few minutes to harden up again.


Lip Balm Ingredients

Lip Balm Ingredients

Lip Balm Ingredients

Lip Balm Ingredients

Lip Balm Ingredients

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