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Milne Bay

Milne Bay is an up & coming eco tourism destination in PNG and is expected to become a model for the rest of the country. There are a number of lodges in the town and quite a few village guest houses coming up. Ecotourism is being developed in the villages focusing on the rainforest, trekking, birdwatching, bat caving, fishing, diving, snorkling, war sites, surfing and cultural sites of interest. The province has the richest marine biodiversity in the world, which is why so many divers come to Milne Bay. There are orchids, marsupials, birds of paradise, mountains, islands, rainforest, waterfalls, hot springs and skull caves as well as a fascinating local history based on missionaries, mercenaries and misfit fortune seekers.

Golden Rules of Ecotourism

The following golden rules for ecotourism have been provided by Conservation International.

As a traveler, you will have an impact on the environment and culture of the place you are visiting. Here are some rules of thumb to make this impact positive!

Keep these Golden Rules in mind when you travel:

  • Learn about your destination before you get there. Read guidebooks, travel articles, histories, and/or novels by local authors and pay particular attention to customs such as greetings, appropriate dress, eating behaviors, etc. Being sensitive to these customs will increase local acceptance of you as a tourist and enrich your trip.

  • Follow established guidelines. Ask your ecotour operator, guide and /or the local authorities what their guidelines are for limiting tourism's impact on the environment and local culture. Staying on trails, packing up your trash, and remaining set distances away from wildlife are a few ways to minimize your impact in sensitive areas.

  • Seek out and support locally-owned businesses. Support local businesses during your ecotravels to ensure maximum community and conservation benefit from your tourist dollars

Red fan coral wall Photo P. Seeto



Surf at Nituri Photo Chris Abel

Conservation International

CI works in much of Melanesia and its focus is on community-based resource management and conservation. CI has identified one of three remaining major tropical wilderness areas in the world, the New Guinea Tropical Wilderness, as a conservation priority. Their goals are to

  • Plan on-the-ground conservation of biodiversity corridors.
  • Strengthen capacity of institutions and local people to protect biodiversity.
  • Prevent extinction of endangered keystone species.
  • Promote development of policies and best practices for natural resource management.
  • Monitor trends in conservation and prevent further degradation of Hotspots and Wilderness Areas.
Traditional net Photo: Jeff Kinch

Photo Jeff Kinch

Companies providing eco adventures

Milne Bay Outdoor & Cultural Education Adventures

This year camps will be conducted all year round. A variety of programs for groups of primary students, secondary students and staff. Camps from 5-10 days


Primary school groups based at a campsite in Wagawaga Village participate in a variety of cultural exchanges and sharing as well as outdoor activities such as snorkelling, bush-walking, canoeing, sailing, fishing, orienteering, initiatives and a challenging ropes course.


From Grade 7, students can choose between a variety of experiences either based at Wagawaga Village or moving through the province in groups of 8. Travelling by various means and visiting a variety of villages and places of interest including Samarai Island & Dei Dei Hot Springs. Even a survival night on your own tropical island.

For bookings or more info… Contact Simon Ellis

Ph/fax: 641 0146


Photo S. Ellis

Snorkelling in a WWII wreck at Wagawaga Photo S. Ellis

Members of Kaikuali Theatre Group Photo S. Ellis

Milne Bay Magic Tours

Milne Bay Magic Tours Milne Bay Magic Tours offers Eco Tours to clients wishing to have an authentic PNG experience enriched by the traditional Milne Bay life style. Come and discover the Real Milne Bay, its surroundings, people and culture.

Our special interest tours include:

  • Bat Caves
  • Bird Watching
  • Bush Walks
  • Leisure Fishing trips
  • Village experience

Other tours include

  • The Milne Bay War Relic and History Trail
  • Wagawaga Discovery includes optional walks to waterfall and moonstones. (the Moonstones refer to a said to be graphical drawings of the Moon on a stone).
  • East Cape Escape
  • Islands Tour ( incorporating Samarai and Kwato)
  • A private Island Retreat.
For enquiries please call 6410 711 or fax 6410 712 or email

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