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Special Events


Milne Bay Schools Sports Carnival

at Camerom Secondary School, Alotau from 14 -17 April 2003

Seven High schools will compete for honours and trophies in track & field events, ballgames, crosscountry trials and evening quiz competition.


at NBC War Memorial, Alotau on 25 April 2003

Rememberance Day

at NBC War Memorial, Alotau on 23 July 2003

Milamala Festival

Kiriwina Island, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province

July 30, 31 & August 1 2003

The festival will involve 6 villages and will feature the following:

  • Day 1: yam carrying and all the activities associated with that stage and dancing until about midnight.
  • Day 2: storing of the yams; awarding winners of gardening etc; Kula canoe racing; and dancing
  • Day 3: All participating villages will take part in full cultural performances and feasting.

Village livelihood skills will be demonstrated and arts and crafts will be available for sale.

Getting there

Air Nuigini has daily flights to & from Alotau and Airlines PNG flies from Port Moresby and Alotau to and from Kiriwina every Tuesday and Saturday. Current one way fares per person are K319 Gurney (Alotau) to Losuia (Kiriwina) and K505 POM (Port Moresby) to Losuia (2003).

For the more adventurous traveller, cargo boats sail from Alotau and service the islands for around K50 per person. Allow for up to 2 days travel as they may call into either Esa'ala station or Gumwawana Island or some other islands en route.


  • Butia Lodge 6439003 have own transport
  • Kiriwina Lodge 6439001 or 6439009 - have own transport
  • Cindy's Guesthouse, VBA guesthouse through 6411510.
  • Village stays are most welcome and can be arranged through Serah Clark by email
  • Bicycle hire can also be arranged through Serah Clark by email.
Kavataria Girl, Trobriands Photo: Rod Clark

Trobriand dancer Photo: Rod Clark

Carrying of yams Photo: Rod Clark

Cameron Cultural Show

1 & 2 August 2003

Heed the call of the conch shell and join the students of Cameron Secondary School in Alotau in their annual celebration of Milne Bay's culture and heritage.

Catch the rhythms of dances from all around the province, accompanied by chanting and the beat of the kundu drum.

Get a glimpse of real village life as the Cultural Village comes alive with families of students on hand to help performers dress and to coach them on the protocols of custom, to demonstrate traditional skills and to prepare feasts to mark the end of the festival.

Feast your eyes on the fruits of the creative imagination and artistic skills of Milne Bay artists and craftspeople in the Arts and Crafts Exhibition.

For the students, it is a journey to discovery of self and cultural identity; for spectators, it provides a window to a people's traditions , history and way of life.

Come and enjoy the experience.

Trobriand Dancers Photo: Rod Clark

Holy Name School Culture Week

4 - 8 August 2003 Holy Name School in Dogura on the North Coast is having its cultural show from the 4th - 8th August

Independence Day

16 September

Milne Bay Agri-Cultural Show

Milne Bay Province invites you to see, enjoy, and build your own experience of the unique beauty of Milne Bay’s rich cultural, traditional heritage portrayed in static and animated displays. Novelty events on land and sea; competitions; Kula soccer; sale of handcrafts and souvenir items. You also have a chance to step to the beat of traditional drums or the 'old Samarai style' music.

Activities start on Saturday morning October 25 and end on Sunday evening 26 October.

There’s something for everyone: Choose from a range of activities including traditional performances, parades in traditional regalia, flower shows, 'sew and show' fashion parades, drama, arts and crafts displays and craft demonstrations. Then there are novelty events eg. Raft and canoe racing, wood chopping, pole climbing, and various performances by string bands. Under Agriculture: there are demonstrations of alternative methods of coaxing better results from farming our land and sea. Interactive displays from Government divisions.

Or just simply join in the marching and the decorative floats during the celebrations and all other exciting events that will make you remember Milne Bay for a lifetime. Corporate and individual participation is invited and most welcome by the Show Committee Email


  • Agricultural displays and demonstrations
  • Traditional Dancing
  • Novelty events
  • Canoe & raft racing
  • Drama competition
  • String bands song competition.
  • Combined Churches Service
  • Flower show
  • Choir gospel and Peroveta singing
  • Children’s beauty parade in traditional regalia
  • Ladies Fashions 'SEW & SHOW'
  • Religious drama

Raft race

Girls from the fashion parade

Baniara Girl from Rabaraba coast

Trobriand Dancers Photo: Rod Clark

Milne Bay child

Game Fishing Tournament

6-14 December

The Game Fishing Association of Papua New Guinea is planning a tournament in Milne Bay waters and based on Samarai Island.

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