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All photos copyright (c) 2001 and provided by Erinn Dooley.

Florida freshmen dressed up by upperclassmenKara Waterhouse, Kristen Stucky and Erinn before a banquetTeam mate Kelly with Erinn at dinner
Florida's athlete manager, Angie, and student trainer, SallyErinn with friends from her dormErinn with Michelle, the Univ. Florida nutritionish
Erinn with friends Whittney and WhittneyFlorida freshmen at a banquetFlorida freshmen before a meet
Florida's team at NationalsThe freshmen out to eat (Kara, Erin, Katie, Kristen, Erinn)

(c) 1997-2001 Erinn Dooley, and all other parties who provided pictures for use on this page :)


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All materials on this page are (c) Kristin King, Allison Harper, and Erinn Dooley family. Do not take or use without permission