Questions are arranged in the order in which they were answered, newer questions are at the top of the page. To submit your own question, please send them in an e-mail message to HillsErinn@aol.com. ---July 9, 1999---
Did training in the same gym as Dominique Dawes affect your gymnastics and what was/is (i don't know if she still practices and competes) your relationship with her? Was she nice?
What is your favorite ice cream?
I am preparing to try out for level 5 and was wondering if you have any tips for competitions? (Like how to keep your cool, how to deal with pressure, etc.)
What happened during the floor routine at the International Team Championships that caused such an uproar?
I actually have two questions. First of all, what kind of music do you listen to? Second, I was wondering if you've ever been to Cumberland, since that is where I am from?
Are you going to try to go to the Olympics?
What are you going to do when you are done with your career?
---April 29, 1999---
How tall are you?
Who are your role models in gymnastics?
What are your favorite websites?
What are your hobbies?
Are you good friends with any elite gymnasts? If so, who?
---Original Questions---
What do you like to do in your free time?
What is your training schedule like?
What is your gym's policy on people coming to watch workouts?
Why did you start gymnastics?
What is your favorite part of gymnastics?
Do you have any advice for young gymnasts?
Please feel free to e-mail Erinn questions about anything!!
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