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Kaydet Girls
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Read the literary works of Kaydet Girls & PMA enthusiasts for a touch of inspiration, a dose laughter, and for that much needed extra mile of understanding.

Don't Fall in Love with a Peemayer
<mia ranario>

     I had very little connections with PMA but my dad and a few relatives are military men. They, however, are products of the Philippine Air Force Flying School (PAFFS), now PAFAOCS, and so I really had very little knowledge of PMA cadets, traditions, etc. Yet there I was, glued to the letter I had just received from PMA, excited. My first letter that summer. My first express mail. The first time he wrote.

     Before I knew it, I was rotting in preparation for his graduation ball. I tell you -- whatever glamour you would imagine there is in falling in love with a PMA cadet ends at the romantic moment he gives you the pendant, the mini-ring and dedicates the "Kaydet Girl" song for you. Then your misadventures begin.

     When you're a kaydetgirl, there would be times you just might be diagnosed as slightly schizophrenic with the likes of mother Theresa, Cleopatra and Wonder Woman rolled into one.

     Each time your cadet goes out that door to go back to the Academy, you pray he comes right back to you and only YOU! No matter if days before you had an argument and are not on speaking terms, somehow you go through motions of patching things up before he leaves for PMA. Not even hurt or pride of the meanest temper stops you from bargaining with the Lord to "Bring him back home to ME, please."

     And when he does, he often goes, how're your folks, your siblings, your job or studies, what's the news, etc. before he remembers the how are you part. He calls you up from PMA to tell you he's coming over this weekend but gives you a no-show because there are generals who have to be given parades or a mistah pleaded him to trade duties. He expects you to be snappy too (*editor's note: ...wants you to cut your nails as short as theirs as well...) when it comes to being on time, when he's interrogating, or when he's giving instructions. Take it easy on the coffee or you just might catch yourself barking a, "yes, sir!"

     So if that dashing, good-looking, polite and impressive PMA cadet starts writing you or starts buzzing by your house and woos you, collect yourself and don't come running to me for advice. For I will categorically tell you - don't fall in love with a PMA cadet.

     Look for a man who is serious about his career and dedicated to his profession but still manages to be a boyfriend material. Someone who makes time for the relationship. One who, after ridding himself of gripes, still remembers to appreciate your role as a lady and as special someone. One who makes an effort to make up with his kaydetgirl for the nature of his job.

     Don't fall in love with a PMA cadet. Choose the one your heart and mind desires. I did.

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