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Kaydet Girls
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Read the literary works of Kaydet Girls & PMA enthusiasts for a touch of inspiration, a dose laughter, and for that much needed extra mile of understanding.

A Letter from a Cadet
<Meann Punzalan>

Dear Mahal,

         Words cannot express my happiness on what has been an unsteady journey for us. Although there have been a lot of curves in our relationship, we survived.

         I’ve learned two things in PMA, one is perseverance in making our relationship work, being the one to go down when the one is disturbed and this really helps a lot. And the other one is to communicate in case of problems. We’ve lacked on this one before but we’ve developed it, finding it easier for us to solve our problems.

         The most important thing I learned in our struggle for stableness is to simply try. They (peer councilors) said to me here that I should try fighting the odds and not resign, and I did just that. They told me, 'not to try is not to love' and for me having would be impossible for me not to love you! Now that we have become stable partners, buddy, and best of friends you can always look for me and I’ll be there for you, anytime!

         I thank God a lot of times for blessing me with someone like you and for that I’ll always cherish you, love you, comfort you and take care of you as a response to his good deeds to me. I'll love you always and forever. You’re the only reason why I‘m still fighting for my case in here. I know God will guide us. Don’t give up, I miss you so much and I can’t wait till we’re together again. I love you and please take good care of yourself.

Till death,

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