Zara Maria's Keanuland!!!
Well, there wasn't enough room so here are some more personal Keanu pictures.
Alas, this page is fraught with tragedy. Until recently, it contained a picture of Keanu on (gasp) his high school hockey team. I know, I know, priceless. But this just goes to show that crime does not pay. I, the honorable author of Zara Maria's Keanuland, failed to upload the picture, instead taking the easy way out and "borrowing" from somebody else. I guess you know how this story ends. The owner of the page with the infamous picture no longer mantains their site and I have ruined it for you all. I'm sorry, I just get so emotional...
This is Keanu in a turtleneck. (Duh.)
Keanu rockin' on his guitar in Japan.
A slighty grungy almost Johnny Depp-ish Keanu Reeves.
A truly Keanu smile.
He's so cute.
Hangin' around.
The cover of a Japanese mag.
What is he doing?
This is a stop on the Keanu Ring of Fire!
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