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The fae child

The young fae plays in the flowers

Tey ride butterflys for fun

They sing throughout spring showers

They shout to greet the sun.

They dance down in the valley

They frolic on the hill

They drift on lilypads on the pond

And of the frogs they are quite fond.

Te snails are their friends

Gifts to birds they send

They climb up the flower stems

And the flowers never bend.

Home=My Fantasy WorldNight of the unicorn Everyone is welcome
The castle on the hillThe ode to the sorcerer The wizard of the cavern
The land of enchantment Home of the unicorn Where the unicorn dwell
Visit the land of the unicorn The king of Molitar The Mystical Realm
Ode to the female fae The serenity of the fae The Unicorn Realm
Ode to A king Ode to dragons The fae youth
The fae babe The fae child The fae folk
Fae lasses Come to the brook A childs eyes
The land of the unicorn Thank You My Friends
Halloween No Violence Fantasy Gallery

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