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The Classics of Literature by Authors A-M

The Classics of Literature

These books are regarded by literary experts to be among the very best titles in print today. The authors, both past and present, are world renown for their literary talents. Their books are the classics of literature.

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by Authors A - M

Aladdin and Other Tales from the Arabian Nights
Everyman Anthology of Poetry for Children
Ride A CockHorse And Other Rhymes
Garden Poems
Old Testament
Love Songs and Sonnets
Marriage Poems
Friendship Poems
Erotic Poems
Love Poems
Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart
Aesop. Fables
Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women Or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy
Alcott, Louisa May. Little Men : Life at Plumfield With Jo's Boys
Alighieri, Dante. The Divine Comedy : Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso
Anderson, Hans Christian. Fairy Tales
Auden, W. H.. Poems of W. H. Auden
Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations
Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice
Austen, Jane. Emma
Austen, Jane. Persuasion
Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility
Austen, Jane. Mansfield Park
Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey
Austen, Jane. Sanditon and Other Stories
Avery, Gillian. Russian Fairy Tales
Balzac, Honore De. Old Goriot
Balzac, Honore De. Eugenie Grandet
Balzac, Honore de. Cousin Bette
Barrie, J. M.. Peter Pan
Baudelaire, Charles. Poems of Charles Baudelaire
Baum, L. Frank. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex
Beckett, Samuel. Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable
Bellow, Saul. The Adventures of Augie March
Blake, W.. Poems and Prophecies
Blake, W.. Poems: William Blake
Bois, W. E. B. Du. The Souls of Black Folk
Borges, Jorge Luis. Ficciones
Boswell, James. The Life of Samuel Johnson
Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre
Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights
Bronte, Emily. Poems of Bronte
Browning, Robert. The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Bulgakov, Mikhail. The Master and Margarita
Burnett, Frances Hodgson. The Secret Garden
Burnett, Frances Hodgson. Little Lord Fauntleroy
Butler, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh
Byron, Lord. Poems of Lord Byron
Calvino, Italo. If On A Winter's Night A Traveler
Camus, Albert. The Stranger
Carroll, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Cather, Willa. Death Comes for the Archbishop
Cather, Willa. My Antonia
Cervantes, Miguel de. Don Quixote
Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury Tales
Chekhov, Anton. The Steppe and Other Stories
Chekhov, Anton. My Life and Other Stories
Chopin, Kate. The Awakening : A Solitary Soul
Clausewitz, Carl Von. On War
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poems and Prose
Collins, Wilkie. Woman In White
Collins, Wilkie. The Moonstone
Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim
Conrad, Joseph. Typhoon and Other Stories
Conrad, Joseph. Under Western Eyes
Conrad, Joseph. Nostromo : A Tale of the Seaboard
Conrad, Joseph. The Secret Agent : A Simple Tale
Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness
Defoe, Daniel. Moll Flanders
Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe
Dickens, Charles. Bleak House
Dickens, Charles. David Copperfield
Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations
Dickens, Charles. Hard Times
Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist
Dickens, Charles. Little Dorrit
Dickens, Charles. Our Mutual Friend
Dickens, Charles. Tale of Two Cities
Dickens, Charles. Nicholas Nickleby
Dickens, Charles. Dombey and Son
Dickens, Charles. A Christmas Carol
Dickens, Charles. Martin Chuzzlewit
Dickens, Charles. The Old Curiosity Shop
Dickinson, Emily. Poems of Emily Dickinson
Diderot, Denis. Memoirs of a Nun
Donne, John. The Complete English Poems
Donne, John. Donne Poems and Prose
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. The Brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. Sherlock Holmes
Eliot, George. Middlemarch : A Study of Provincial Life
Eliot, George. Adam Bede
Eliot, George. The Mill on the Floss
Eliot, George. Silas Marner : The Weaver of Raveloe
Evans, C. S.. Cinderella
Evans, C. S.. The Sleeping Beauty
Fielding, H.. The History of Tom Jones : A Foundling
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. This Side of Paradise
Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary : Patterns of Provincial Life
Ford, Ford Madox. The Good Soldier : A Tale of Passion
Ford, Ford Madox. Parade's End
Forster, E M. A Passage to India
Forster, E M. Howards End
Frost, Robert. Frost's Poems
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Mary Barton
Gibbon, Edward. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire : Boxed Volumes 1-3
Gibbon, Edward. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire : Boxed Volumes 4-6
Goncharov, Ivan. Oblomov
Grahame, Kenneth. The Wind in the Willows
Grass, Gunter. The Tin Drum
Green, Dr. Roger Lanclyn. King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table : Retold Out of the Old Romances
Green, Dr. Roger Lanclyn. The Adventures of Robin Hood
Greene, Graham. The Human Factor
Greene, Graham. Brighton Rock
Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm; Jakob. Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
Haddawy, Husain. The Arabian Nights
Hardy, Thomas. Far from the Madding Crowd
Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the D'Urbervilles : A Pure Woman
Hardy, Thomas. Jude the Obscure
Hardy, Thomas. The Return of the Native
Hardy, Thomas. The Mayor of Casterbridge
Hardy, Thomas. Poems of Thomas Hardy
Harris, Peter. Zen Poems
Hasek, Jaroslav. The Good Soldier Svejk and His Fortunes in the World War : And His Fortunes in the World War
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter : A Romance
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. A WonderBook for Boys and Girls
Heller, Joseph. Catch22
Herbert, George. The Complete English Works
Hogg, James. Confessions of a Justified Sinner
Hollander, John. Animal Poems
Homer. The Odyssey
Homer. The Iliad
Hopkins, Gerard Manley. Hopkins : Poems and Prose
Hugo, Victor. Les Miserables : a New Unabridged Translation
Jacobs, Joseph. English Fairy Tales
James, Henry. Portrait of a Lady
James, Henry. The Princess Casamassima
James, Henry. The Golden Bowl
James, Henry. The Bostonians
James, Henry. The Awkward Age
James, Henry. The Wings of the Dove
Jerrold, Walter. Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes
Joyce, James. Dubliners
Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Joyce, James. Ulysses
Kafka, Franz. The Trial
Kafka, Franz. The Castle
Kafka, Franz. Collected Stories
Keats, John. Poems of John Keats (Hardcover)
Keats, John. Poems of John Keats (Paperback)
Kierkegaard, Soren. Fear and Trembling : The Book on Adler
Kipling, Rudyard. Just So Stories
Kipling, Rudyard. Collected Stories: Kipling
Kipling, Rudyard. The Jungle Book
Kipling, Rudyard. Kim
Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de. Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Lampedusa, Guiseppe T. Di. The Leopard : With Two Stories and a Memory
Lawrence, D.H.. Sons and Lovers
Lawrence, D.H.. Women in Love
Lawrence, D.H.. The Rainbow
Lear, Edward. A Book of Nonsense
Lermontov, Mikhail. A Hero of Our Time
Levi, Primo. The Periodic Table
MacDonald, George. The Princess and the Goblin
Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince
Mann, Thomas. Death in Venice and Other Stories
Mann, Thomas. Doctor Faustus
Mann, Thomas. Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family
Mansfield, Katherine. The Garden Party and Other Stories
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. One Hundred Years of Solitude
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. Love in the Time of Cholera
Marvell, Andrew. The Complete Poems of Andrew Marvell
Melville, Herman. Moby Dick
Mill, John Stuart. On Liberty and Utilitarianism
Milton, John. The Complete English Poems
Milton, John. Poems: Milton
Mishima, Yukio. The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. Anne of Green Gables
More, Sir Thomas. Utopia
Morrison, Toni. Song of Solomon

Continue to Authors N - Z

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The Classics of Literature by Authors A-M