I am including the links to some other parenting essays available on the internet that have provoked thought on my part. While I may not agree with all the conlusions the author draws, the essays have merit in one or more areas of my own personal interest.
When Moms Get Angry If you have ever or are now struggling with anger problems, this article will be an encouragement to you.
Mothering In the Shadow of the Cross This article has a good perspective on the concept of servanthood in mothering.
Our View of Children This article should truly impact the way we rear our children. If you have not formulated a biblical philosophy of how God views children, perhaps this article will encourage you to do so.
Nursing In Public: What's a Mother To Do? A frank discussion about the differing views on this subject.
Toys and the Christian Family If this isn't something you have stopped to consider, you may find this article thought provoking.
But I Don't Want to Nurse All the Time OR Watch the Clock! I think the title for this article speaks for itself!
Children in Church? Have you taken time to think through this very important topic? If not, this article may get your brain going. We train our children to join us in church pretty early, and the conversations that take place around the Sunday dinner table reveal how much they are learning!
More Children: Can We Cope? Thinking about actually joining that neat group of people labeled "large families?" This is a great article that reminds us that God is really the one in control.
Trusting God for Our Family Size was NOT What I Expected" Struggling with whether or not you should be in charge of family size or God? This woman's experience is sure to make you think.
Articles and essays that discuss child training
Open Letter to Roy Lessin from Beth Fenimore: This open letter is from a woman now in her late 30's whose dad was close friends with Roy Lessin and raised his family in Lessin's church. Roy Lessin is the author of the book, "Spanking: When, Why, How." This little booklet still circulates in fundamentalist circles--I most recently found that a friend of mine had been given the booklet during one of her classes at Pensacola Christian College. I use that term fundamentalist to loosely refer to Independent Fundamental Baptist churches--the type of church in which I was raised. In my experience, the belief that spanking is commanded by God is especially prevalent in those churches, and sermons with specific instructions for how spankings should be given are common. By the way, Roy Lessins' recommendations are not too dissimilar from Mike Pearl, Ted Tripp, James Dobson, Richard Fugate, Gary Ezzo, or other "Christian" child rearing "experts" that tout spanking. I've read the Roy Lessin book, and admire Beth's courage to tell her story. This link also includes a follow up letter by Beth's sister.
Child Discipline This article examines whether or not spanking is really commanded by the Bible.
Avoiding Millstones A frank note of caution to those who would misuse spanking.
"Should I Spank My Child?" One mother's answer to parenting's most controversial question.
Corporal Punishment of Children This is not light reading, but is a thorough and comprehensive examination of research and articles from an anti-spanking viewpoint.
The Model Parent This is an excellent article that directs us to consider that God is the one after whom we should endeavor to model our parenting. Suggests that all parents discuss and write out goals for child training.
The Majesty of Motherhood This article addresses all kinds of aspects of mothering inlcuding how the mom's relationship to dad affects her parenting. Also addresses working outside the home and single parents.
Bible Goals in Training Children No specific how-to's in this article. Go back to the basics with an old fashioned Bible study. Great start for discussion between husband and wife!
Anger Is your problem with anger hurting your children and hindering child training? This article is a good place for your thinking to start from a biblical perspective.
Links to information on the web about Attachment Parenting