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SSU Amnesty International
October 19 - 21. Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference all are welcome. I encourage all to come its in Del. so its just a hop skip and a jump away. Its good to learn more about amnesty and to broaden our reach towards a fight for Unversal human rights. Dec. 3rd 2000- We will be holding at Salisbury State Uni. in the Dinning Hall (the Commons). The table will be for collecting supplies for INS detainees who have been released from detention. The lovely government we have leave them with nothing, so it is in our hands as citizens to make them feel welcome. So if you have things to give(e.g sationary, phone cards, toothpaste, tooth brush, soap, shampoo,...) Thanks brent
Nov 3- 2000 Mid-Atlantic Conf.
OCT 28 2000- We will be having a table at the SGA homecoming block party. We will have a table there that will deal with letter writing. Come out and see us.
OCT 23 2000- Amnesty Chapter will be hosting Colmon McCathy on campus. Also that will kick off FAST.
OCT 28 2000- We will be having a table at the SGA homecoming block party. We will have a table there that will deal with letter writing. Come out and see us.