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Irish Records for Flannerys

associated with 

Baltimore, Maryland

Three known Flannery families emigrated to Baltimore, Maryland from two counties in Ireland: County Tipperary and County Mayo.  However, another node of Flannerys found in Kiltullagh parish, County Galway, is of particular interest because of a pattern of marriages between Flannerys and Burkes in that parish prior to emigrating to Baltimore.

Key Irish Counties


County Tipperary

Two Flannery families, likely related, are known to originate in County Tipperary.  They are associated with three parishes: Nenagh (a large town on the western edge of the county), Kilruane (a tiny townland about 5 km from Nenagh) and Cloughjordan (a middling town north and east of Kilruane, where a baptism for one Flannery of Baltimore is recorded).


                                                                                                             Famine map of Ireland, c 1841
                                                                                                                                        Map Source:  Ireland's History in Maps

County Mayo   

One Flannery family found in Baltimore in the 1850s, which may be more extensive than currently known, originates in County Mayo.  All records point to the town of Castlebar (also known as Aglish parish).  Transcribed records for Castlebar include:


County Galway

However, another node of Flannerys is found in nearby Kiltullagh parish, of particular interest because of a pattern of marriages between Flannerys and Burkes in that County Galway parish.  This pattern persists in Baltimore, Maryland but no known County Galway Flannerys have been identified.


  • "Flannery: Irish Origins and World-wide Progress", The Flannery Clan 2000
  • For a comprehensive listing of helpful Ireland genealogy sites, including county resources, surnames, etc., see Celtic Connections


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Maryland records

Flannerys of Baltimore 
  © colleen d flannery
Official Member:  Flannery Clan
april, 2002